Ensuring Accurate Data for CCRPI GSIS Users Conference January 31, 2019 February 1, 2019
Today’s Agenda CCRPI overview Where does GaDOE get the data? How are the data used? Common data errors Checking data CCRPI updates CCRPI resources
CCRPI Overview Content Mastery Are students achieving at the level necessary to be prepared for the next grade, college, or career? Vision Accountability should play a supporting role in assisting our state to reach its mission of offering a holistic education to every child and preparing them for college, career, and life. Accountability should not be the driving force behind decisions about educating children. Progress How much growth are students demonstrating relative to academically-similar students? CCRPI Score Closing Gaps Are all students and all student subgroups making improvements in achievement rates? Purpose The purpose of CCRPI is to provide an objective measure of the extent to which schools, districts, and the state are succeeding in providing high-quality opportunities and outcomes for students that can be used for communication and continuous improvement. Readiness Are students participating in activities preparing them for and demonstrating readiness for the next level, college, or career? Graduation Rate Are students graduating from high school with a regular diploma in four or five years? School Climate Star Rating Financial Efficiency Star Rating
CCRPI Overview English language arts achievement Content Mastery Mathematics achievement Science achievement Social studies achievement Progress English Language Arts growth Mathematics growth Progress toward English language proficiency (EL students) CCRPI Score Closing Gaps Meeting achievement improvement targets Elementary: Literacy, student attendance, beyond the core Middle: Literacy, student attendance, beyond the core High: Literacy, student attendance, accelerated enrollment, pathway completion, college and career readiness Readiness Graduation Rate High School Only 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate 5-year adjusted cohort graduation rate School climate Star Rating Financial Efficiency Star Rating
Where does GaDOE get the data?
Data Sources FTE -1 and FTE Survey Student Record Student Class Assessment Data CCRPI Applications EOPA Application TCSG/USG files Contact Data Collections for questions about FTE -1 and FTE Survey Student Record Student Class Contact Assessment and Accountability for questions about Assessment Data CCRPI Applications TCSG/USG files Contact CTAE for questions about EOPA Applications
What data are used? FTE – 1 and FTE Survey Student Record Marking periods (start and end dates) Students reported in schools Student Record GTID School and System Grade Level Race Primary Area (Special Ed) GAA Free or Reduced Meal Eligibility (Student Level and CEP)
What data are used? Student Record continued English Learner (EL) Y, N, 1,2,3,4, F School Entry Code and Date Withdrawal Code and Date Days Present and Days Absent Diploma Type Date Entered Ninth Grade Date Entered US School
What data are used? Student Class Course Number (CRITICAL) WBL XX.7 Dual Enrollment XX.XXXX4 Credit in Lieu XX.XXXX3 Pathway course numbers must be the correct course numbers Credit earned in HS courses Final grade for Beyond the Core
What data are used? CCRPI Applications EOPA Application TCSG/USG files Assessment Matching 1 and 2 – District level Non-Participation – District level Cohort Withdrawal Update – District/School level Summer Graduate – District level EOPA Application TCSG/USG files Assessment files
How are the data used?
Content Mastery GAA Enrolled School Entry Date School Withdrawal Date Student Record GAA Enrolled School Entry Date School Withdrawal Date Date Entered US School Student Class Course Number Course Grade Course Teacher ID Assessments Georgia Milestones EOC Course Test out Attempt GAA Applications Assessment Matching Non-participation FTE Marking Period Start/End Dates
Progress English Language Arts/Mathematics Progress Towards EL Proficiency Student Record School Entry Date Withdrawal Date Date Entered US School Student Class Course Number Assessment Georgia Milestones Applications Assessment Matching Assessment ACCESS Applications Assessment Matching Please note that students who take an EOC exempt Dual Enrollment course and do not have an EOC test score –will not be included in the ELA progress calculations. There are no Dual Enrollment courses for Math so all students with applicable test scores should be included in the Progress Calculations.
Closing Gaps Student Record Student Class Assessments Applications FTE School Entry Date Withdrawal Date Student Class Course Number Assessments Georgia Milestones GAA Applications Assessment Matching FTE Marking Period Start/End Dates
Readiness Literacy Attendance Student Record Enrollment Record School Entry Date Withdrawal Date Student Class Course Number Credit in Lieu Assessment Georgia Milestones Applications Assessment Matching FTE Marking Period Start/End Dates Student Record Enrollment Record Days Present Total Days Absent (Excused + Unexcused) Please note that students who take an EOC exempt Dual Enrollment course and do not have an EOC test score – then they will not be included in the Literacy indicator.
Readiness Accelerated Enrollment and Pathway Completion College and Career Readiness Student Record Withdrawal Date Student Class Course Number Course Credit USG and TCSG Data TCC Completer Student Record Withdrawal Date Student Class Course Number Course Credit Assessment National Assessments EOPA Applications Assessment Matching EOPA (CTAE) USG and TCSG Data Students not needing remediation Applicable to 12th grade students – not cohort related
Graduation Rate Student Record Applications Date Entered Ninth Grade Diploma Type School Entry Code Withdrawal Code Applications Cohort Withdrawal Update Summer Graduate Application
Common Data Errors
Common Data Errors EOC Courses – Grades of Z reported or course not reported at all Dual Enrollment not reported correctly (XX.XXXX4) FTE, course, and/or assessment reported at different schools No withdrawal date or code reported Incorrect withdrawal date or code Incorrect date entered ninth grade
Common Data Errors Failure to mark EL students correctly (EL=Y, 1,2,3,4 or F) SWD marked incorrectly – no primary area GAA not marked – mark every year, even if the student is not being assessed on the GAA that year Not reporting grade correctly or not promoting a student (High school readiness uses all students reported as 12th grade) Work-Based Learning not tied to another course in the same major (WBL courses are coded using XX.7)
Common Data Errors Beyond the Core Students not enrolled in course with correct course code Grade issued for the Beyond the Core course not a recognized passing grade (70 or above on a numeric scale; pass on a pass/fail scale; E or M on a performance based grading scale; or greater than a F on a A-F scale) No grade issued Z or an I reported in Student Class Z and I do not count as passing grades Failure to enroll kindergarteners in BTC courses Note - Beyond the Core is not an optional indicator Examples of errors: incorrect course code, grade scale of 1 through 4, grade scale of not meeting, progressing, meeting, etc. Grade of Z Not an optional indicator – 1/3 of the value of the Readiness Component
Common Data Errors Pathways in CCRPI A student is considered a pathway completer for CCRPI if the student: Completed a GaDOE-defined pathway GaDOE determines if a student completed a GaDOE-defined pathway based on the course codes and credit earned submitted to GaDOE Data Collections by districts Earned a Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) TCSG provides GaDOE with a file of all high school students earning one or more TCCs Completed a locally-developed, state-approved pathway GaDOE will determine if a student completed a locally-created, state-approved pathway based on course codes and credit earned submitted to GaDOE Data Collections by districts Full credit not awarded for course (.5 credit awarded) Failure to complete all the required courses in a pathway Incorrect course codes used Examples of Credit not Awarded. Student starts pathway in MS and the MS does not give him credit hours for the course. High School gives him credit for the 2 remaining courses. Student must have earned credit in all 3 courses Student takes one of the courses in the Summer. GaDOE does not collect the summer course enrollment. So credit for this summer course is not captured Advanced Academic – the most common error is that the student does not have 2 units of sequential course credit in one world langauge
Checking Data
Checking Data Live Portal Data Critical school level leaders check these data prior to close of Student Record and Student Class Live Portal Data verbiage and legends should be read carefully and any issues or concerns directed to the GaDOE accountability specialist immediately May / early June is the time to correct data Have local process/procedure to ensure all stakeholders are actively checking data District level individuals should check LPD to detect trends in errors or see if one school stands out as different from the others
Live Portal Data
Live Portal Data
Checking Reports Need to point out here that for CCRPI we no longer utilize Absences Greater than 5 Days by Student
2019 Updates Dual Enrollment courses exempt from EOC will use the college-issued grade for accountability*: A-Distinguished Learner B and C-Proficient Learner Below C-Beginning Learner Dramatic Writing Course Consult with Curriculum and Instruction for course number guidance *See January 10, 2019 email 2019 CCRPI Calculation Update – Dual Enrollment
Resources CCRPI Resources for Educators Accountability Beyond the Core Guidance Target Resources (2019 Target Scores) Principal Guides FAY Guidance Lexile Scores – Multiple Uses Accountability Accountability Specialist Targets CCRPI Overview Documents Pathway Guidance
Accountability Team Paula Swartzberg, Director of Accountability pswartzberg@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 463-1539 Lacey Andrews, Accountability Specialist landrews@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 657-0251 Kris Floyd, Accountability Specialist kfloyd@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 463-1175 Nicholas Handville, Accountability Specialist nhandville@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 657-4122 August Ogletree, Ph.D., Accountability Research Specialist aogletree@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 463-6675 Tianna Sims-Miller, Ph.D., Program Manager, Accountability Research tsims@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 463-1166 Allison Timberlake, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability atimberlake@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 463-6666 GaDOE Customer Service Survey: http://gadoe.org/surveys/AsAc-H8PBVZM