DUAL ENROLLMENT Maria Willis Site Coordinator dual.enrollment@riosa lado. edu (480) 517-8080
AGENDA WHAT is Dual Enrollment? Student Enrollment Process Course Schedule Transferability Important Dates
WHAT IS DUAL ENROLLMENT? High school students take college level classes taught by college-certified high school instructors utilizing College level curriculum and textbooks Simultaneously earn both high school and college credit, at their high school, during the regular course of the high school day. College credit is awarded immediately after passing the course.
BENEFITS 2.2 times more likely to enroll in a two or four-year college. 2 times more likely to return the second year college 1.7 times more likely to complete a college degree Gives students college knowledge Higher college participation rate than high school graduates overall Save time and money
TUITION TUITION ASSISTANCE TUITION COST Approved applications will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply Now Students who qualify may receive up to 12 credits of tuition for Dual Enrollment classes per academic year. $85 per credit plus $15 registration fee 3 credits (1 class) + fee = $270
Step 1: Get Admitted Riosalado.edu/dual Follow the instructions until you receive your Student ID and MEID Student ID: 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MEID (Username): _________________ Password:______________________ Note: You will need this information each time you access your account.
STEP 2: Take the Placement Test Repeat Testing Students will be permitted one re-test in English, reading or math level after at least a 24-hour waiting period. One additional re-test is permitted no sooner than three months from the oldest valid score date at any course placement testing site. Course placement scores, with the exception of the reading exemption scores, will be valid for two years from the date of the original or re-test assessment.
Multiple Measures Math GPA Prerequisites HS GPA (Unweighted) 2.60 to 2.99 - MAT142 HS GPA (Unweighted) 3.00 + MAT152 or MAT187 When to send to Testing to take Accuplacer Test Student does not meet GPA requirements of 2.6 or higher Student unable to obtain GPA GPA score did not meet the requirements for the class the student wants to enroll English and Chemistry130 ENG101 CHM130
PLACEMENT TESTING Math and English composition courses require a college placement test. Other courses may require a reading placement test. A college student ID number and picture ID are required for testing.
STEP 3: Financial Responsibility Form
STEP 4: Register for classes How to access Course List: Visit riosalado.edu/dual Click on "List of Participating Schools" on the right-hand side under Contact Us Locate “High School" then click to expand Click on Download Course PDF
Click on Add a Class EVENTUALLY you will want to use the “other academic” drop down menu to access your transcripts! But that isn’t important quite yet! The Finances section will also soon be important for you!
Enter the Section Number of you class from the Course List
Click next to continue Double check that you are in the right class period & with the right teacher!
Add all of your Fall dual classes then click on Proceed to Step 2 of 3
Academic Enrollment View My Class Schedule to see all enrolled course
STEP 5: Pay tuition and fees In-County tuition cost is $85* per credit plus a $15 registration fee per semester. Payment is due upon registration. Students will be dropped from courses for non-payment. *Tuition subject to change. You can pay tuition online, in-person or by phone. Payment plans can only be set up online.
TRANSFER CREDITS Bob Brown Early College Success Coach ACE Puente Director (480) 517-8125 I Fax (480) 377-4871 2323 W. 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281 AGEC Transfer to all 3 in-state public universities Most universities will take up to 67 transfer credits Transfer as incoming Freshman with credits
Hundreds of colleges accept Dual Enrollment Always check with the receiving college on your desired major Access this information for Arizona universities towards the bottom of the web page in the Helpful tools section at: http://www.riosalado.edu/ADVISEMENT/UNIVERSITY-TRANSFER/Pages/default.aspx
IMPORTANT DATES 2 July 13 Aug 20 Aug 16 Sep 1 Oct 2018-2019 Course List posted on website 2 July Tuition due & purge begins until Sept 17th 13 Aug TA students must be enrolled in Fall/Spring courses 20 Aug Last day for students to self enroll 16 Sep Spring 2019 priority registration for current DE students 1 Oct
Question?? For student questions, please contact our Dual Hotline at (480) 517-8080