Other important terms… The History of Law Other important terms…
Rule of Precedent King Henry II (1154-1189) wanted to bring consistency and fairness to the rules of law It was decided that similar cases should be decided in similar ways Circuit judges began recording and documenting cases so they could establish a method to make the law “Common Law” Each time a decision was made it set a precedent which could be followed in the future
The Magna Carta King Henry II didn’t realize that his great legal reforms would ultimately lead to the downfall of the monarchy’s power…. The Magna Carta (The Great Charter) was the first step in establishing basic human rights and freedoms It recognized the Rule of Law, gave everyone equality before the law
Habeas Corpus Latin for: “You must have the body” It means that you have to present a suspect in front of a judge or a court in order to determine the validity of the arrest Everyone has the right to explain themselves
Conclusion The Canadian Legal System today has been influenced by all of the earlier legal systems throughout history Many of our laws are deeply influenced by the history of religion Why do you think that is?