Take out a sheet of paper for notes. This will be page 31 1/25 Take out the chapter 16 questions that were assigned. I will be stamping them As long as you answered #1-4 Take out a sheet of paper for notes. This will be page 31 Targets will be page 29
The Endocrine System 16
Endocrine System: Overview Endocrine system – the body’s second controlling system which influences the metabolism of cells by using hormones Hormones are secreted by the Endocrine glands Continued on the next slide
Endocrine System: Overview (cont) The hypothalamus has both nervous functions and releases hormones Other tissues and organs that produce hormones include adipose cells, and cells of the: small intestine; stomach; kidneys; and heart
Hormones – chemicals secreted by cells of endocrine glands Messengers that regulate the metabolic function of other cells Carried by the bloodstream
Target Cell Specificity Hormones circulate to all tissues but only activate with very specific target cells Target cells must have specific receptors to which the hormone binds These receptors may be intracellular or located on the plasma membrane
Amino acid based (proteins) Types of Hormones Amino acid based (proteins) – most hormones belong to this class Steroids – gonadal and adrenocortical hormones - lipid (cholesterol) based PLAY InterActive Physiology®: Endocrine System: Orientation