Early Philosophies
Hobbes (16th Century) The life of man is nasty, brutish and short; people are selfish and violent If everyone is free, then everyone is in danger Give up your freedom for security, man must be controlled to prevent violence Force is necessary as words are weak on their own Example: Yugoslavia post Tito
Locke (17th Century) People are rational and reasonable Opposed the divine right of kings – power rests with the people = democracy Government should only protect life, liberty and property (give up some freedoms to protect these) If the government does not fulfill its obligations people can rebel Example: US Revolution, collapse of Soviet Empire
Rousseau (18th Century) People are naturally good but get corrupted by society (man is born free, but everywhere is in chains) Individualism leads to jealousy and corruption (selfish) Wanted a society based on direct democracy, consensus Example – traditional Aboriginal societies in Canada
Synthesizing Information Create the following chart: “What did each of the philosophers state regarding…” Nature of Human Beings Individual role in society Hobbes Locke Rousseau
Three perspectives As your fellow classmates read the speeches, think about the author’s position on the structure of society, human nature and visions of the future. Can you see evidence of concerns about nation, class, environment, relationship to land, gender, religion (all factors that influence ideologies)
Three perspectives Create a chart which: chooses one of the three philosophers that would most support their position also try to classify these individuals as collectivists or individualists Be prepared to defend your position as you may be asked to share your ideas with the class Speech Philosopher most in agreement Individualist or Collectivist? Tommy Douglas Milton Friedman Ovide Mercredi