State of Enlargement PGSC Turkey Antalya – 30/31 October 2014 1
Turkey Candidate Country in negotiations since 2005 Chapter on Regional Policy opened in autumn 2013 Readmission agreement signed with EU and entered into force on 01 October 2014 Turkey is highly aligned in several chapters of the acquis as free movement of goods, company law, intellectual property law, financial services, energy, economic and monetary policy, statistics, enterprise and industrial policy, Trans-European Networks, science and research, customs union and external relations. Further Progress depends largely on Turkish efforts (Cyprus question and related Ankara protocol, judiciary & fundamental rights, social policy , labour law and occupational health and legislative alignment in several chapters ) Readmission agreement possibly for signing which is pre-requisite for Visa free travel regime
Montenegro Candidate Country since 2010 Screening finalised in May 2014 DCP (Draft Common Position) on statistics presented to Council 10 chapters opened, 2 of them closed (Science & research, education & culture ) Chapter 18 to be opened Track record on chapter 23 and 24 crucial for further progress in negotiations (interim benchmarks) Progress in the above will determine the speed of the negotiations Political buy in in reforms necessary
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, Serbia Was granted status of a Candidate Country on 1 March 2012 Accession negotiations launched during 21 January 2014 intergovernmental conference Screening on track, Bi-lateral screening in chapter 18 in November 2014. Some progress in public administration reform Track record on chapter 23 and 24 and normalisation process with Kosovo* crucial for further progress in negotiations Proper chapter for relations with Kosovo (35 to be opened early in negotiations) *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Candidate Country since 2005 High Level Reform dialogue launched by the Commissioner Fuele on reform challenges Commission has proposed the 6th time opening of negotiations Accession process at an impasse Danger of backsliding of efforts as some negative developments stated in regular report (politicisation of institutions, media freedom) Name issue crucial for progress Focus on independence of judiciary and freedom of expression
Albania Application for Membership in 2009 Opinion on application was negative in 2010 Since then positive tendency as stated 2013 regular report in which Commission proposed to grant status of a Candidate Country Following a Commission report and in recognition of the reform steps undertaken so far the Council granted in June 2014 CC status Shortcomings remain especially in the rule of law field and judiciary field. Council states that sustained implementation of the judicial reform strategy and fulfilment of all key priorities would be necessary to open negotiations. RR 2014 endorses in its findings the June Council conclusion: Strategy against organised crime and follow-up on judicial reform are key for further progress
Iceland May 2013: National elections have resulted in a change of government. New government stopped negotiations However, application for MS not officially withdrawn Hence officially Still Candidate Country Sleeping application Assistance: All IPA stopped (including ongoing contracts)
Bosnia-Herzegovina Country remain at a standstill in the European Integration process. Lack of consensus between political entities how to forward the European integration agenda. Efforts to bring in line the BiH constitution with the European Convention of Human Rights have still not yet come to fruition (Sejdic-Finci ruling of the European Court of Human Rights), also no implementation of Constitutional Court ruling on Mostar No progress towards indirect (self) management of funds Consequence: Reduction of funding due to the fact that political leaders cannot agree on countrywide strategies for agriculture, energy, transport and environment
Kosovo * Negotiations on stabilisation and Association agreement were finalised Stabilisation and Association agreement with KOSOVO* was paraphed in July 2014 Progress on Visa facilitation dialogues Need to pursue reform path in rule of law, public administration, economy, competition and trade Belgrade-Pristina dialogue ongoing *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
Consequences of changes in European Commission DG Enlargement to become DG NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY & ENLARGEMENT NEGOTIATIONS As no further Enlargement foreseen under the Juncker Commission (= in the next 5 years) Policy continues Merger with DEVCO Directorate F responsibel for the ENP 600 staff in HQ, 1200 in total with EUD As from 1 November 2014 new Commissioner HAHN *