Abstract Submission Instructions Kidney Week 2019 Abstract Submission Instructions
www-asn-online.org/KidneyWeek Key Links
Submission Highlights Submission Deadline: Thursday, May 30, 2:00 p.m. EDT All authors must have ASN records All authors must have current disclosures on file with ASN
Author Disclosures Login at www.asn-online.org/ disclosure Expiration date of 01/01/2020 or later
Once you choose type, you cannot change it later Step 1: Submission type Login at www.asn-online.org/kw-submit Once you choose type, you cannot change it later
Step 2: Title/Body You cannot submit if more than 2500 characters Hover over (i) buttons for tips
Select categories require subcategory Step 3: Properties Select categories require subcategory
Step 4: Authors Duplicates? Email education@asn-online.org to merge records Search by first initial & last name Click “+Add” if ASN record found If blue (+), disclosures are current. If red (+), disclosures need to be updated before adding to submission.
Author Order Select the “Lead Author” (presenter) by clicking the corresponding radio button Rearrange the author order by changing the # dropdowns and clicking “Update Order”
Author Affiliations “Affiliation #1” will default to the institution in the ASN record; If “None selected” shows, click the dropdown link Select from affiliation options, or click “Create New Affiliation”
Author Affiliation TIPS Make sure that each affiliation’s “Institution” and “City” start with a capital letter to avoid error messages Click the “Reorder Affiliations” button to: Check for duplicate affiliations (e.g., American Society of Nephrology and ASN) Rearrange the affiliation order by changing the # dropdowns and clicking “Update Affiliation Order” Update author affiliations to clean up duplicate affiliations
Step 5: Copyright Step 6: Review & Submit Read the terms carefully, agree, and continue to the final step Step 6: Review & Submit Review everything that was entered; Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “View Proof” for a printable version After review, click “Complete Payment” to be redirected to the payment section Do not double click when submitting payment; This may cause your credit card to be charged twice If you wait too long to complete payment or leave the submission draft open too long, you may receive a time-out error; Refresh the page and complete payment
After Submission An email confirmation is sent to the contact author once payment has been submitted; Check your junk/spam folders if you do not receive it You can reference your submission by clicking “View Submissions” Completed submissions on or before May 30 can be returned to draft, edited, and re-submitted by May 30 for no additional fee From May 31 to June 5, for submitted abstracts needing minimal changes, the contact author must submit an abstract change form to ASN To withdraw a submission, please contact ASN Other questions? Check out the Abstract FAQs webpage, or email education@asn-online.org