THE 13 COLONIES Name:________________ Date:_________________ -Label the 13 Colonies -Label the Atlantic Ocean -Label the Appalachian Mountains (Pg 122) THE 13 COLONIES Name:________________ Date:_________________ Period:________________
NEW ENGLAND COLONIES GEOGRAPHY POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (Land and climate) Pgs 43-44, 120-121 POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (government, laws) Pgs 120-121, 130-133 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Resources, jobs, how do they make money?) Pgs 120-127 SOCIAL (Way of Life, culture, religion, people) Pgs 120-121, 128-129 NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Label the New England Colonies Label the economic activities using symbols [ for Trade, ⏏ for Shipbuilding, for Industry, and ★ for farming ] Economic Activities Key
MIDDLE COLONIES GEOGRAPHY (Land and climate) Pgs 43-44, 121-122 POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (government, laws) pgs 130-133 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Resources, jobs, how do they make money?) Pgs 121-122, 126 SOCIAL (Way of Life, culture, religion, people) Pgs 121-122, 128-129 MIDDLE COLONIES Label the New England Colonies Label the economic activities using symbols [ for Trade, ⏏ for Shipbuilding, for Industry, and ★ for farming ] Economic Activities Key
THE SOUTHERN COLONIES GEOGRAPHY POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (Land and climate) Pgs 123-124 POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (government, laws) Pgs 123-124, 130-133 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Resources, jobs, how do they make money?) Pgs 123-124, 126-127 SOCIAL (Way of Life, culture, religion, people) Pgs 123-124, 128-129 THE SOUTHERN COLONIES Label the New England Colonies Label the economic activities using symbols [ for Trade, ⏏ for Shipbuilding, for Industry, and ★ for farming ] Economic Activities Key
Directions: Choose a colonial region and create an advertisement poster. You must include pictures, a slogan, and facts that will draw settlers to your colony. Critical Thinking Question (answer in at least 5 sentences): What group of colonies would you chose to live in and why (New England, Middle, Southern)? Support your answer with at least three reasons. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________