New Netherlands and Pennsylvania Colonies CH 2 Sections 3,4 New Netherlands and Pennsylvania Colonies
Puritans believed that every worshipper should experience God directly . Separatists from the Church of England were punished so the Puritans went to the New World seeking greater religious freedom.
Puritans placed importance on family and church authorities Puritans placed importance on family and church authorities. They also stressed hard work in fulfilling one’s duties. This became known as the ”Puritan Work Ethic”.
While the Puritans valued religious freedom for themselves, they did not tolerate dissent. Roger Williams and Anne Hutchison both ended up leaving for Rhode Island.
The Puritans were trying to force their religion and laws on the Indians and they were also encroaching on Indian land. Chief Metacom started King Philip’s War with an alliance of Indians in 1675. It lasted a year, and the colonists won.
Massachusetts Bay Colony A group of Puritans who came to New England in 1630. They were organized and had enough supplies and strong leadership under John Winthrop.
The New Netherland colony Free and enslaved African Americans lived there, as well as settlers from many European nations. They were allowed freedom of religion and had better relations with the Native Americans. They wanted to trade with them… not take their land.
Proprietor The “owner” of New Netherland, England’s Duke of York, who took over the Dutch colony and renamed it New York.
William Penn An English Quaker who was given land west of NJ (PA) by King Charles II as a repayment of a loan to his father.
The Quakers A pacifist community that supported freedom of religion, treated Indians fairly, and allowed all adult males to vote.