Daily Responsibilities for Students & the Role of TRACK Cards
Students’ Responsibilities Away from School Absent from school? Checking ANGEL is not only responsible, but a requirement to ensure students don’t fall behind. On ANGEL, the ‘calendar’ tab details the week’s homework assignments and upcoming tests/assignments. The ‘lessons’ tab contains every chapter’s notes and content vocabulary that was taught in class. “If it was taught/discussed in class, it will be in the notes.” Lessons are taught using Microsoft Powerpoint and/or Mimeo. Video links from class lessons are always the last slide of MS Powerpoint lessons.
Students’ Responsibilities Away from School Absent from school? Checking ANGEL is not only responsible, but a req
How to Study for Math Tests Practice tests (with the answers) for each chapter are on ANGEL under the ‘lessons’ tab. Watch the posted videos in each chapter’s class notes. They’re on the last slide of each Powerpoint presentation found on ANGEL under the ‘lessons’ tab. Use USA Test Prep and/or ALEKS to review topics and practice problems that are related to the current math chapter. Practice any problems found in your current chapter’s math packet. THERE’S A REASON WHY WE TEAR OUT SO MANY PAGES!
The Role of TRACK Cards TRACK Cards are used for disciplinary purposes. They are initialed and dated by teachers/administrators when a student’s behavior in a particular area has not been up to the school’s code of conduct. The categories are: Disruption, Insubordination and Failure to Follow Reasonable Request. 3 total signatures in any category warrants a printed copy of each infraction. Students are to have their parent/guardian sign the last page and the student must return the signed infraction report to the teacher the next school day or else a 4th TRACK Card signing is given, which result in a referral.