Developed by Heather Greenwood Virginia Cooperative Extension This version of the Bean Game is designed for a high school or adult audience. Each group will receive 20 beans and must decide together how they will spend their beans. 1 bean = 1 box After the groups have completed the activity, they will choose a chance card and must adjust their beans accordingly. Developed by Heather Greenwood Virginia Cooperative Extension
FOOD SAVINGS CLEANING SUPPLIES TRANSPORTATION Cook at home, dinner out once a week Fast food lunches, dinner out once a week Buy all meals away from home SAVINGS Save change in a piggy bank Save 5% of income Save 10% of income CLEANING SUPPLIES Buy at supermarket or discount store Buy at department store Buy new vacuum TRANSPORTATION Walk or bike Use bus or subway (must live in the city) Join a carpool Buy a used car & pay insurance Buy a new car & pay insurance
PHONE LAUNDRY FURNITURE CLOTHES No Phone Do laundry at mom/dad’s Local calls only Local and long distance calls LAUNDRY Do laundry at mom/dad’s Use the Laundromat Purchase washer and dryer FURNITURE Borrow from friends or relatives Buy at yard sales and thrift stores Buy new furniture CLOTHES Wear what you have Buy at thrift stores and yard sales Buy at department stores Buy designer clothes
HEALTH INSURANCE CHILD CARE HOUSING FUN No health insurance Job pays part of health insurance Pay for insurance without help of job CHILD CARE Mom or dad cares for the children Use daycare part time Pay for full-time daycare HOUSING Live with family or friends Rent an apartment or house Buy a house FUN Basic cable stations Movies Premium cable channels Hobbies (photography, biking, etc) Concerts, vacations, sports
HOME / APARTMENT INSURANCE AUTO INSURANCE No coverage (not option if own home) Apartment insurance Homeowners insurance (required of all homeowners) AUTO INSURANCE Pay liability only Pay complete coverage EDUCATION Use local library Newspapers and magazines Community education classes GED or Community College Classes University Classes OTHER CHOICES Cigarettes Alcohol Contributions to non profit organization or church Fitness / Gym membership OTHER
PERSONAL CARE GIFTS PETS INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS Generic products (shampoo, deodorant, makeup, etc) Haircuts, grooming products from discount stores Hair colored / styled, professional grooming products GIFTS Make your own Buy cards and small gifts on very special occasions Buy frequent gifts for everybody INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS Records, tapes, or CD clubs Big screen TV Top of the line stereo system Furniture payments Motorcycle or 4 Wheeler payments PETS No pets Fish or bird Cat or small dog Large dog or multiple pets
UTILITIES Utilities for Apartment Utilities for Home Includes: Heat, lights, water, sewer, garbage Utilities for Apartment Utilities for Home
CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD Lose job – reduce monthly income by 7. ***If group has saved part of income, decrease by 5. CHANCE CARD Lose job – reduce monthly income by 7. ***If group has saved part of income, decrease by 5. CHANCE CARD Major accident. If covered by health insurance, decrease by 3. If not insured, decrease by 8. CHANCE CARD Major accident. If covered by health insurance, decrease by 3. If not insured, decrease by 8. CHANCE CARD Receive a gift from family members. Increase by 1 (but only for this month – this increase cannot require continued need) CHANCE CARD Major holiday – but you haven’t saved for it. Reduce income this month by 8 beans for extra travel, food, and gifts. CHANCE CARD End of the season trip to the beach. Reduce monthly income by 5. CHANCE CARD Best friend gets married. Costs include travel expenses, bridesmaid dress, and gift. Reduce income this month by 6 beans.
CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD Long term illness keeps family member out of work for 3 months. Reduce monthly income by 8 ***If group has save part of income, decrease by 6. CHANCE CARD Long term illness keeps family member out of work for at least 3 months. Reduce monthly income by 8 ***If group has save part of income, decrease by 6. CHANCE CARD Major car repairs. Reduce monthly income by 5. CHANCE CARD Major car repairs. Reduce monthly income by 5. CHANCE CARD Back to school. Must buy new clothes – reduce by 5 CHANCE CARD Start a new job. Must buy new clothes – reduce by 5 CHANCE CARD Lose job – reduce monthly income by 7. ***If group has saved part of income, decrease by 5. CHANCE CARD Long term illness keeps family member out of work for 3 months. Reduce monthly income by 8 ***If group has save part of income, decrease by 6.
CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD A new baby is born. Costs include crib, other furniture, and hospital expenses. If insured, reduce by 5 If uninsured, reduce by 10. CHANCE CARD Oldest child goes away to college. Monthly expenses to assist with housing and books increase by 4 (decrease in other areas by 4) CHANCE CARD Oldest child goes away to college. Monthly expenses to assist with housing and books increase by 4 (decrease in other areas by 4) CHANCE CARD Long lost Uncle Oscar dies and leaves money. Increase by 4 (only this month – do not commit for long term requirements). CHANCE CARD A new baby is born. Costs include crib, other furniture, and hospital expenses. If insured, reduce by 5 If uninsured, reduce by 10. CHANCE CARD A new baby is born. Costs include crib, other furniture, and hospital expenses. If insured, reduce by 5 If uninsured, reduce by 10. CHANCE CARD Carpet is in poor condition and you decide to recarpet. Reduce by 5. If renting, choose another Chance Card. CHANCE CARD Plumbing disaster. Must call in a professional. Reduce by 5. If renting, choose another Chance Card.
CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD CHANCE CARD Flood damages clothing and furniture. Reduce by 3 if insured with Renters/Homeowners Reduce by 11 if not insured. CHANCE CARD Flood damages clothing and furniture. Reduce by 3 if insured with Renters/Homeowners Reduce by 11 if not insured. CHANCE CARD Summer Camp!!! Reduce by 5 to pay for camp fee and equipment. CHANCE CARD Child’s team wins state championship and travels to the national tournament. Reduce by 5 to pay for travel expenses and new equipment. CHANCE CARD Tornado hits. Reduce by 3 if insured with Renters/Homeowners Reduce by 11 if not insured. CHANCE CARD Child begins to play the violin. Reduce by 5 to purchase the instrument, violin case, music, and first month’s lessons. CHANCE CARD Family weekend trip to amusement park. Reduce by 5. CHANCE CARD Rescue a stray, sick puppy. Reduce by 6 to pay for medications, vet bill, and puppy supplies.