Student Information System (SIS) Report Presentation to the UTFAB Monday March 11, 2013 Bob Engmark, Director, Information Systems Rusty Scott, Associate Director ACNS Chris Seng, University Registrar
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Agenda Student Information System (SIS) Recent Activities Projects Underway and Ahead Funding Request FY14 Questions 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation SIS Background: Collaboration with UTFAB began in 2004 ACNS, IS, Enrollment and Access Hardware, Software and Staffing Many Systems ARIES – The Student Information System Document Imaging and Workflow Degree Audit Reporting and Transfer course equivalency system (TES) Reporting database International Student System Loan Management ARIESweb – Faculty and Staff self-service RAMweb and RamRecords – Student and former student self-service This project and collaboration we have is a big deal and your support is critical. This reaches far more broadly than you might think. SIS scope Very large infrastructure, not like a building you see everyday but a foundational part of any higher education institution. Includes hardware, software and staffing There are a number of systems and databases included. Some vendor supplied software, some local development solutions Many exchanges of data with other systems, Some data interfaces are with external gourps such as the US Dept of Ed and the state dept of ed. Included in the SIS are quite a few specialized systems and software. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Offices Supported by Student System All Academic Departments Accounts Receivable Admissions CASA Catalog and Curriculum Division of Continuing Education Graduate School Registrar’s Office Student Financial Services Institutional Research Countless offices and departments are supported by the SIS. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation SIS – System Usage in 2012 Over 2,500 faculty and staff 90,058 different people used RAMweb 4,861,292 RAMweb logins 1,140,534 ARIESweb logins FAMweb access grants Grades 10680 Transcripts 10689 Class schedule 12755 eBilling 22924 1098T tax form 1393 Usage of the system is significant. The number of users and people logging in is quite large. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
RAMweb logins by year Logins Year 4/2/2019
Summary of Recent Activities System Upgrades Banner and Oracle upgrades Financial Aid regulatory updates College Opportunity Fund RamCT Integration of INTO CSU to SIS International students in English Language programs progressing to be degree seeking students Project continues this year to integrate fully to SIS ~400 students Spring 2013 Software upgrades are ongoing INTO was mentioned in the fall meeting. The effort continues. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Summary of Recent Activities - ARIESweb Planned Leave Details INTO flag indicator to alert staff Waitlist report for department staff Specialized reports for departments Veterans, INTO, Athletics, Other groups ‘Full Fee Paying’ student lookup tool Repeat / Delete information Graduate Admissions letter Colorado State University is implementing a new leave policy that makes it easier for undergraduate students who find it necessary to take a one-semester break in enrollment to do so. Beginning Fall 2013, undergraduate students can schedule a “Planned Leave,” which will allow eligible individuals to take a one-time, one semester leave for any regular fall or spring semester (leave is not necessary for summer terms). Planned Leave is ideal for students pursuing short-term internships or academic study elsewhere in the U.S.; serving through missions/volunteering or the military, or focusing on medical, family/personal, or financial circumstances. Advantages of Planned Leave over “Stopping Out” (taking time away without Planned Leave in place): Students on Planned Leave maintain eligibility for University enrollment without needing to pursue the full readmission process. Students on Planned Leave retain their major, minor, and concentration designations during their absence and are scheduled to register according to their class level priority when they return. Students on Planned Leave remain “active” in campus communications systems and can receive updates/notices from their academic advisor/department and/or other campus offices. Students on Planned Leave will have no break in enrollment on their CSU transcript. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Summary of Recent Activities - ARIESweb (cont’) Classroom availability and reservations RamCT combined course updates My weekly schedule changes to display Add/drop/withdrawal dates and display non-credit courses and total credits and university withdrawal warning Electronic grade change report Flu reporting 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Summary of Recent Activities - Ramweb UTFAB Logo added Planned Leave request process Faculty governance approved action Security Audit review and changes Repeat / Delete information My weekly schedule changes to display Add/drop/withdrawal dates and display non-credit courses and total credits and university withdrawal warning Billina Summary By Term enhancements (RW) Add “expand all” option, Show refunds and payments in detail 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Summary of Recent Activities - Ramweb (cont’) COF display and processing logic changes for new students Integrated AlcoholEDU and SexualAssaultEDU for new Fall and spring incoming students under 23 ASCSU election support Flu reporting Directory preferences Red flag alerts For password changes 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
Summary of Recent Activities - FAMweb More access for eBilling Grantees Account Analysis, Summary By Term, Amount Billed and Due New Tax section and Grantee access available Print 1098-T form, See additional 1098-T data Consent to electronic notification of 1098-T data (student only) 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Upcoming Projects System upgrades and changes (Ongoing effort!) DARS application to u.achieve – Kick off SM 2013 Banner 8.5.6 – Due March 31 INTO changes – ongoing in 2013 RamCT Upgrade RAMweb and ARIESweb New Class Schedule interface –Nearing completion More changes for INTO CSU students - Ongoing Health Insurance (RAMweb) – Summer 2013 Mass electronic grade changes – Summer 2013 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation More upcoming RAMweb, ARIESweb and SIS Infrastructure Build Academic Program milestones in DARS – SM 2013 Courses Catalog - Underway RamCT upgrades Regular intervals, two revisions/year Class Schedule software system - Late 2013 Financial Aid in FAMweb - 2013 Student requirements, cost of attendance and awards Mobile connectivity to RAMweb type services Grades, Student Course list, Registration, Financial aid, etc… Randy will be sharing on boopsie in coming weeks. Transition year. FY 14 we’re partnering on the transition, centrally funded. To expand mobile services to include the following: 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Projects on Hold RAMweb and ARIESweb Redesign main page AW and RW pages Overhaul of RW and AW code to bring current Electronic request for major, minor (field of study) changes Create ‘Graduation Ready’ checklist for undergrads Enrollment Verification Letters Repeat/ Delete process Many others, excel spreadsheet FAMweb – Phase II Grantee data updates (address, email, other) SIS Banner XE upgrade 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Staffing Update UTFAB funded developer Formal update and FY14 request later this spring Staffing resource contributions from ACNS, Information Systems and Registrar to support developer with standards, analysis, specifications, testing, etc… Collaboration has been great! 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation FY 14 Funding Request FY13 Total Budget $1,502,791 (UTFAB + Univ match + I.S. support) FY 13 UTFAB Support $ 572,726 Hardware/software maintenance inflation $ 10,206 Salary and Fringe increase $ 22,324 Total FY14 Request $ 605,256 Any additional costs absorbed centrally University matches UTFAB support 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Staffing for FY14, Split 50/50 5 professionals RAMweb/Developer (2) – E&A Middleware/Applications Developer – ACNS Web Applications Specialist – IS DBA (Database Administrator) – IS Student staff – E&A These staff are critical to SIS 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB Funding Criteria 1. Benefit as many students as possible All students at CSU are benefiting. 2. Ability to effectively utilize the fee Your decision. 3. Not funded by CFT Check. 4. Adherence to budget and accountability 5. Potential for direct student use Absolutely. 6. Effort, thought & clarity in the plan 7. Quantitative usage data Several examples 8. Financial co-sponsorship 60% of total funded by the University. 9. Central/distributed balance 10. Cost/benefit ratio Fall 2011 Census – 30,450 students benefit. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Summary We appreciate your continued support of the project The UTF and student support provided the original impetus for the project The SIS is critical core infrastructure The systems are performing exceptionally well and meeting all demands for service Thank you for your support! 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation Questions… are most welcome. 4/2/2019 UTFAB SIS Spring 13 Presentation