PAWS Library
Objectives Review the PAWS expectations for the library By the end of this lesson, all students will be able to describe the expected behavior in the library
Behavior Expectations
Persevere Challenge yourself to read a variety of books
Are always responsible Return books on time Take good care of books
Work and play safely Push in chairs Walk up and down the steps Walk to and from the library
Show Respect Place books back correctly Quiet voices in the library Use kind words to everyone
Pause and think of PAWS What should you do if you see a book that is out of place? How can you be safe in the library? What should you do if you see someone mistreating a book? What should you do if you misplace your book?
Rewards Students who are caught following the rules will receive a PAWS ticket
Consequences Students who choose not to follow the rules will have consequences for their actions
Reflection Why is it important for all students to follow the behavior expectations in the library? What will you do today in the library to show that you are pausing and thinking about PAWS?
Let’s Practice Now we will visit the library to practice these expectations