Various depictions of Jesus Christ
Various depictions of Paul
Depiction of Paul preaching to the Gentiles
Coptic Christian Church in Egypt
Gnostic Gospels
Emperor Constantine
Nicene Council
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
The Vatican in Rome, center of the Roman Catholic Church
Crusades help launch Renaissance
Johann Gutenberg and Moveable-type Printing Press
Selling Indulgences
Martin Luther
Luther nails “95 Theses” to Wittenberg Chapel Door, launching Protestant Reformation
John Calvin
Henry VIII creates Church of England or Anglican Church
Queen Mary Tudor or “Bloody Mary” Queen Elizabeth
Puritans In England
King James I (1603-1625)
Persecution of Puritans in England
Jamestown (above) begins development of colony of Virginia as Anglican
John Rolfe and tobacco crop as staple to sell
Southern colonial plantation
Cultivating rice on Southern plantation
William Bradford
Puritan Separatists (“Pilgrims”) land and settle colony of Plymouth with “Mayflower Compact”
Plymouth Colony
Dutch colony of New Holland in green along Hudson River
Early Dutch Patroon Plantation
Dutch settle New Amsterdam, center of New Netherlands Colony and later NYC
French claims in green (note: English had taken over Dutch claims)
Jesuits convert Native Americans to Catholicism
French fur traders
King Charles I (1625-1649)
John Winthrop
Massachusetts Bay Colony founded just to north of Plymouth Colony Massachusetts Bay Colony founded just to north of Plymouth Colony. MBC included largest city of Boston and later incorporated Plymouth
“Great Migration” of Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630s
George Calvert creates colony of Maryland as a haven for English Catholics just to the north of Virginia. Later accepts all Christians.
George Fox and the Quakers (Society of Friends)
William Penn founds Philadelphia (“City of Brotherly Love”) as center of colony of Pennsylvania
Squanto greets the Puritans in MBC
“First” Thanksgiving
Puritan society was strict, with religious and civil law mixed Puritan society was strict, with religious and civil law mixed. Christmas, for example, was punished as a pagan ceremony embraced by corrupt religious authorities in Europe
Salem Witch Trials
Puritan “meeting House” or church
Halfway Covenant: Partial church membership for the descendents of the “Elect”
Sense of community in Puritan towns
Example of “Common Field” System
Shoemaker, example of Puritan manufacturing
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Anne Hutchinson banned from MBC
Rhode Island (note: Providence and Portsmouth)
The Enlightenment
Great Awakening
Note text of Great Awakening sermon --
Francis Ashbury in America Methodism John Wesley in England Francis Ashbury in America
George Whitefield
Deism among Founding Fathers James Madison Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin
Elihu Palmer
Atheism = There is no good Agnosticism = There is no way to tell if there is a God or not
Episcopal Church
Second Great Awakening Tent Revival