Program Manager Light Armored Vehicles
PM LAV Overview Mission: Sustain and Modernize the Family of Light Armored Vehicles Lines of Effort: Anti-Tank Weapons System – replacement of the legacy M901A1 turret with a modern turret that provides long-range, stand-off anti-armor fire support to maneuvering Light Armored Reconnaissance Companies and platoons, and observation capability in all climates and during periods of limited visibility. Reset Program - Replaces the major obsolescence drivers within the FOLAV. (power pack, driveline, and steering sub systems, and fields a modern Driver’s Instrument Panel (DIP) and LAV-25 slip ring). Foreign Military Sales - US Program Manager for LAV acquisitions, testing and sustainment support for FMS Partners. Fleet Sustainment – Configuration Management, Readiness Analysis (Trend Identification), Fleet Support, Integrated Logistics Support (Provisioning, Cataloging), Diminishing Manufacturing Sources & Material Shortages (DMSMS).
USMC Family of Light Armored Vehicles Command & Control Logistics 25MM Light Assault Mortar 81MM Recovery Electronic Warfare Anti-Tank
USMC LAV Over Time
USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle The USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) will be a modern combat vehicle system, capable of fighting for information, balancing competing capability demands to sense, shoot, move, communicate, and will remain transportable as part of the naval expeditionary force. The ARV program seeks a balanced set of performance, payload, and protection attributes with sufficient design reserve to ensure the platform is readily adaptable over its service life. Program Acquisition Strategy will be informed by: Results of technology demonstration and trade Study efforts Requirements generation Programmed funding Key Attributes: - Land in diverse terrains and water mobility - Transportability – 4 on LCAC - Redundant, resilient communications - Lethality: BLOS anti-armor capability, - Protection against direct and indirect fires, medium caliber autocannon mines and IEDs, and guided munitions - Operate in contested cyber environment - Open systems architecture - Deny UAS attacks - Allows for 25% weight growth - Employ RAS
Office of Naval Research technology demonstration effort - On-going ARV Path Forward Office of Naval Research technology demonstration effort - On-going Whole System Trade Study - On-going Industry Survey / Request for information - Feb 2019 USMC Material Development Decision - March 2019
USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle Program Description The ARV is a replacement for the legacy light armored vehicle in the Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) battalions within the Marine Divisions. ARV equipped LAR Battalions perform combined arms, all weather, sustained reconnaissance and security missions in support the Ground Combat Element. The ARV is the core capability that underpins the next generation armored reconnaissance capability concept. The ARV will be a modern combat vehicle system, capable of fighting for information, that balances competing capability demands to sense, shoot, move, communicate and remain transportable as part of the naval expeditionary force. Key Events ICD/MROC: Feb 19 MDD: 2QFY19 MS B: 2QFY24 MS C: 3Q FY27 IOC: 4QFY30 FOC: 1QFY34 Program Status ACAT & Date of Designation: TBD MDD: 2QFY19 IOC/FOC Dates: FY30/FY34 Planned procurement quantity: 500 Vehicles Current Year Activities: Conduct analysis of alternatives Industry day Issue RFI to industry
USMC LAV Reset Overview Powerpack Cummins ISB 6.7 300hp mated with Allison 2500 transmission Improve reliability, cooling capacity and diagnostics Increased in fuel economy and range LAV 25 Slip Ring Doubles power supply capability to the turret Additional channels for gigabit Ethernet, video, and fiber optic capability Drive Train Increased weight rating for improved reliability 2 - Speed transfer case improves towing capability Steering Dampener Symmetric damping improves road feel and usability Digitized Driver’s Instrument Panel CANbus compatibility improves diagnostics Improved user interface
LAV-ATM Program Overview 4/5/2019 LAV-ATM Program Overview Program Description: A mission suite upgrade replacing the M901A1 turret which addresses obsolescence and provides improved reliability, availability, and maintainability. Suite has a Far Target Location system, new commander/gunner video sight displays, and an electric elevation and azimuth drive system, which helps rotate the weapon system onto the target. ACAT Category: III Fielding: IOC Date/FOC Date: Sep 2017 / Sep 2019 64% fielded; assets delivered includes 4 trainers Production Delivery 89% complete Test: Successfully completed Installation: USMC Depot For Official Use Only
Next Gen ARV Integrating Key Capabilities Command and Control Modern C4I suite with resilient digital architecture Expandable for range of electronic requirements with growth capacity Networked and Joint-interoperable Battle Management System enabled by secure voice, video, and data exchanges from extended ranges and in GPS-denied environments to expand the battlespace Sensors Full spectrum capability to enhance and extend reconnaissance reach and surveillance persistence, to include UxS payloads Networked among crew, scouts, and commanders Networked with other MAGTF and Joint sensing/collection assets Interoperable with MAGTF and Joint targeting systems Active and Passive Vehicle Protection Achieve standoff to sense, orient, classify, track, and defeat incoming RPG, ATGM, and PGM threats with hard- and soft-kill capability [Army Modular APS – Vehicle Active Protection System] [S&T – collective multiple counter-threat capability] Fires Enhanced lethality to orient, classify, track, engage and neutralize threats at range to shape the battlespace Automatic medium caliber cannon capable of delivering anti-personnel, anti-materiel, and anti-armor munitions on the move [Army XM813 30mm weapon system] Anti-armor capability to defeat close-in heavy armor threats PGMs to defeat threats beyond the range of threat systems [OPF-M] Unmanned systems swarm capability to provide persistent, multi-function munitions Electronic Warfare Advanced, networked, multi-function EW capabilities support Assured C2, Situational Awareness, and Electronic Fires to enable the counter-recon fight Multi-band comm systems to outpace RF threats Collaborative RF sensing to orient, classify, and track threat systems Jamming to deny, disrupt, and degrade adversary use of RF spectrum; directed energy for physical effects against targets Unmanned Aerial and Ground Systems Mission role variant payload to extend reconnaissance reach and surveillance persistence Group 1 for local security, RSTA, and point target attack [OPF-M] Unmanned system payload to find, fix, finish IEDs Group 2 for long-range RSTA [Stalker XE] Group 3 delivery of UGS payload for I&W sensing at areas of interest