All I ask of you.Wmv
Feast of Christ the King End of Year C
24th November 2013: 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Luke Ch. 23: 35 - 43
This feast shows us the power of Jesus – who never used His power on earth to his own advantage.
The power of Jesus is different from the power of man The power of Jesus is different from the power of man. Jesus’ power is a power of Love.
Jesus’ power: He hangs on the cross between two criminals;
He is mocked by the leaders / soldiers / criminals…
He saved others…??
The power of Jesus (compassion and mercy)
His last words to one of the thieves “Today you will be with me in Paradise”.
The good thief realizes the need to call Jesus and Jesus in his last moments on the Cross answers with kindness and hope.
In the shadow of the Cross we are healed and find peace.
The all powerful Jesus shows Humility throughout his whole life. This Sunday the last of the liturgical (Year C). The all powerful Jesus shows Humility throughout his whole life.
He is kind and gives himself up and dies for us on the Cross.
“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made,
how many great things we have done.
I was homeless and you took me in… We will be judged by / I was hungry and you gave me to eat … I was naked and you clothed me … I was homeless and you took me in…