Public & Community Service Opportunities (PACS) and AmeriCorps & Volunteering Element 22 & 23 PG# 150-152
Never Again Volunteer Yourself
Why should I volunteer?
Volunteers have a likelihood of finding a job by 27% nationwide and a 55% higher chance in rural areas
Will help improve employment prospects Keep individuals engaged in a job field and the community Helps build resume experience Gain hands-on experience Learn new skills
Overall volunteering is a great tool for networking
PACS resources The Corporation for National and Community Service The Mission Continues Team Rubicon-Built to Serve
What is AmeriCorp? lPM
AmeriCorps programs AmeriCorps NCCC AmeriCorps State and National AmeriCorps Vista ams/americorps/americorps- programs
Since I’m overseas what options do I have?
Local Resources USO: American Red Cross Building #3365 (CFAY CRC BLDG) https://volunteerconnection.redcross .org/?nd=rco_opportunity_browse_li st&postal_code=96349 NMCRS Thrift Store Building G59
Conclusion Volunteering can be essential in: Gaining hand-on experience Learning new skills Building connections Which can open doors to new employment opportunities.