Repent and follow Jesus: It just might change everything Matthew 3:1-3
The Mission: We exist to help people… believe in Jesus Christ, belong to a community of faith, and become Christ’s servants in the World.
Our Vision Bella Vista Church seeks to be a community where (1) all people can discover who they are as God’s children as well as (2) come to an understanding of what it means to be Christ’s servant. We envision every man, woman, and child—every family— (3) equipped and empowered to serve others in the church, their homes, communities, workplaces, and in the world. We see Bella Vista Church as a community of servants that will change the status quo and change the world because not some, but all, are living in service to Christ.
Mission and Vision Couplets for changing the status quo… Believe — Repent of going our own way and begin to follow the way of Jesus Identity — all people can discover who they are as God’s children
Biblical Repentance means… To change one’s life based on complete change of attitude and thought.
Belief and Repentance are inseparably connected in the Biblical record. Matthew 3:1-3 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ ”
Repentance Changes our perspective (Matthew 4:17). It DOES NOT change our circumstances… Changes our purpose (Mark 6:6-13). It DOES NOT give us a mandate to declare condemnation… Is for the all people, especially the “righteous” (Matthew 11:20-24). It’s NOT just for the “Lost”… Is more important than “proof” (Matthew 12:39-42). It DOES NOT use the Bible as a weapon or skepticism as a defense to keep heading in the wrong direction…
Repentance is NOT “us vs. them” it’s an invitation follow Jesus
Lord’s Table