First Army “Building Ready Religious Support” This is the 1A training process briefing.
Vision To partner with the NG and USAR to advise, assist, and train Unit Ministry Teams capable of conducting Religious Support for Unified Land Operations Mission 1A UMTs will: 1) provide direct religious support for all First Army Soldiers, Families, and Civilians, and 2) advise, assist and train Reserve Component Unit Ministry Teams to provide operational religious support for Combatant Commands. First Army, as FORSCOM's designated coordinating authority for implementation of the Army Total Force Policy, partners with USAR and ARNG leadership to advise, assist, and train RC formations to achieve Department of the Army directed readiness requirements during both pre and post mobilization through multi-component integrated collective training, enabling FORSCOM to provide Combatant Commanders trained and ready forces in support of worldwide requirements. Provides Oversight and Guidance, to mobilization, training, validation, deployment of RC UMTs. Assists Division UMTs with RC UMT training support and manages Religious Support across First Army First Army advises, assists and trains Reserve Component units during pre-mobilization periods. Conducts mobilization, training support, readiness validation, and deployment of alerted forces. Executes demobilization of Reserve Component forces in accordance with Department of the Army, and FORSCOM directives. Provides trained and ready forces in support of the Army Force Generation model. As directed, provides training to Joint, Combined, Interagency, and Active Army Forces. POC: CH (COL) Zust, 309-782-9100 As of JAN 2019
First Army RS Training BDE Locations Each BDE authorized (Active) 1X04 and 1XE7 (TPU) 1X04, 1X03, 1XE7, 1XE5 (TPU) JBLM 189 IN BDE: FHTX Division West 1 O-5 1 E-8 ADOS RA NCOIC 120 IN BDE: Additional TSBn 1 O-5, 1 O-4, E-6,E-5 166 AVN BDE (FHTX): No TDA NCO FBTX 5 AR BDE: 1 O-5, 1 O-4, E-6, E-5 (OCT 18) Additional 1 ADOS UMTs for CRC 1xO-3, E-4 FMWI 181 IN BDE: JBMDL 174 IN BDE FSGA 188 IN BDE: CSMS 177 IN BDE: 1 x O-4, 1 x E-7 CAIN 157 IN BDE: FKKY Division East 1 O-5 no TDA NCO 4th CAV BDE (FKKY): RIA First Army 1xO6 1xE8 1A Locations and manning. Currently two Mobilization Force Generation Installations at FHTX and BFTX conduct Post-Mob Training. FBTX focuses upon Combat Arms, FHTX focuses upon Combat Support, Division Exercises, and Aviation. JBLM, CAIN, CSMS, FSGA, and JBMDL focus upon JFHQ pre-mob training. FKKY and FMWI focus upon USAR pre-mob training. CH Dets conduct pre-mob training with USAR exercises, and post-mob validation at FHTX. POC: CH (COL) Zust, 309-782-9100 As of JAN 2019
1A RS OC/T STRUCTURE Mission Active Duty RC COADOS Orders Direct Support Command Chaplain (O-6) Division West Chaplain (O-5) Senior Religious Affairs NCOIC (E-9) Deputy Chaplain (O-4) Battle Staff RA (E-7) NCOIC (E-8) Not Authorized/Supported Supported/Funded by NGB BDE UMT Chaplain (O-4) RA (E-7) AUTH ASS COADOS CH 13 3 RA 10 Total 23 6 Mission Provide religious support for all First Army Soldiers, Families, and Civilians. Advise, assist and train Reserve Component Unit Ministry Teams capable of providing operational religious support to Combatant Commands. Use of COADOS in Not Authorized Positions We Need to Maintain our Current Grade Plate and Gain Manpower IOT continue Religious Support and RS Training IAW 1A Mission Division East Chaplain (O-5) 1A structure and manning status. We are multi-component Unit Ministry Teams. We Trained 524 RC UMTs in FY 18 X 5 X 5 FHTX 166 AV BDE not Authorized RA NCO FHTX 120th Mobilized 2 CH 1 RA In Addition to AD TPU UMT 2 CH (O-4 and 3 2 RA (E-7 and 5 AD/RA Not Authorized RC/RA Not Supported As of JAN 2019
This is the FORSCOM Training model This is the FORSCOM Training model. First Army is FORSCOMs agent for advising, mentoring, and training RC UMTs during unit level training during the mobilization process. The next slide describes how we do this.
Religious Support Training Model “We Train to Achieve Ready Religious Support” UMT CORE COMPETENCIES Home Station Training Plan + Training Process = Mission Readiness Shift Training From: Institutional/Individual Tasks to Unit /Collective Tasks CAST/JFHQ- AYST CSTX – XCTC-- WAREX – WFX MRX --CTE Religious Leader Five Verbs Define Credibility Through Competency Nurture our Living Provide Religious Support to the Command Exercise Training Plan Mentoring With OC/Ts Religious Support Estimate Religious Support Plan COP/Battle Tracking Trauma Ministry Plan Circulation Plan Communication Plan Battle Focused Religious Support Tasks By Echelon UMT CAPABILITIES Assess Train & Evaluate Care for our Wounded In order to train the UMT with the Unit we align the Chaplain’s Core Competencies with one of these three LOE’s to train UMT’s in these basic capabilities needed to provide ministry and religious support operations across a theater of operation. This slide explains our process of training by linking the Core Competencies (FM 1-05), or Principles (AR 165-1) of the Chaplain CORPS to the Training Outputs for our training at First Army. This is done along their Lines of Efforts (LOE) which are based on our Capabilities as UMT’s and are guidelines for our assessment of training. Each UMT trained at First Army turns in a Training Assessment which determines the level of training and areas of focus in our training at First Army. We then move along the three LOE’s of Religious Support Planning, Religious Support Operations, and Spiritual Leadership to build a unit and mission specific training plan for the UMT. Using the TSP’s listed we train UMT’s in the three LOE’s and adapt the TSP to the theater specific or mission specific needs of the UMT. These task are then practiced in the units Culmination Training Exercise (CTE). In additions, what is not trained in a TSP is trained in the CTE. The CTE provides the UMT with an opportunity to test their skills and capabilities within a realistic environment to gain confidence for future missions. The Outputs of the training produces a UMT prepared to deliver Religious Support to their Command in the areas listed on the chart. Nurture Care Honor Provide Advise Personal Staff Advise The Effects of Religion upon Mission Honor our Fallen
The Impact of Operational Religious Support Training Upon Organizational UMT and Chaplain Detachment Readiness The Area Size Indicates the Impact of Operational RS Training Benefit for Sustained Readiness (Based upon the # of UMTs/Event) The Area Color Represents the 1A Commanders’ assessment for priority of training support measured by the benefit to unit against the risk to unit readiness. Priority # 3 Home Station Training JFHQ and USAR AYST Events MCTP USACHCS Training Support Priority #1 MFGI Post- Mob Training. Amount of Risk to Unit Readiness Amount of 1A Support Priority #2 Pre- Mob Traing CSTX, XCTC, WFX This is the 2019 1A CDRs guidance for assessing RS priorities. Instead of assessing priority based upon type of exercise ( Post-mob vs. pre-mob vs. home station). The 1A commander seeing all training events as opportunities and wants BDE CDRs to assess priority for supporting training measured by amount of 1A support to benefit the unit during the training compared to the amount of risk if the training is not supported. 1A invests a lot in post and pre mob training events. These events are OC/T heavy supported by large training support elements. When it comes to operational RS training at home station it only takes a small investment of 1A resources (1 UMT OC/T) to train a large number of RC UMTs on operational tasks. This investment builds home station readiness by preparing RC UMTs for pre-mob exercises and post-mob training. We need to maximize training opportunities with Partnered Units at Home Station IOT leverage Special Staff Training during CPXs and Post-Mob CTEs.
OBJECTIVE T CRITERIA APPLIED TO OPERATIONAL RS Objective Task Evaluation Criteria 1A OC/Ts MUST FOCUS UPON TRAINING THEY CONTROL Plan and Prepare Execute Assess Operational Environment Training Environment (L/V/C/G) % Leaders Present at Training / Authorized % Present at Training / Authorized External Eval Performance Measures Critical Performance Measures Leader Assessment Task Dynamic & Complex Night Hybrid Threat Proponent Establishes Training Environment Standards (FTX, STX, CPX, STAFFEX, TEWT, etc) >=85% >=80% Yes >=91% GO All >=90% T Dynamic or Complex 75-84% 80-90% GO 80-89% T- Static and Simple Day Regular or Irregular Threat 65-74% 75-79% No 65-79% GO P 60-64% 60-74% 51-64% GO <All <=80% P- <=59% <= 50% GO U ASSESSMENT BASED UPON EXECUTED PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND TRAINING ENVIRONMENT UMTS MUST LEVERAGE TRAINING THEY DON’T CONTROL This is the Army’s standard for validating unit training. It does not apply well for validating parts of units i.e. UMTs performing religious support because UMTs do not control the circumstances of their training environment (dynamic/complex conditions and types of threats). And they do not control their manning (absences of one member during a training event fails the whole unit. HOWEVER, UMTs do control their performance measured by their proficiency measure by Battle Focused Training tasks whose outcome are the Big 6 processes integrated into Unit Mission Command processes. This is how UMTs provide and advise RS on the battlefield. 1A OC/Ts will focus upon these tasks and processes during training and conducting AARs. Exercise Dependent POC: CH (COL) Zust, 309-782-9100 Exercise Independent As of JAN 2019
New RC Training Website This website is an open source to assist RC UMTs build home station training that prepares them the pre-mob exercises and post-mob culminating training events. As of JAN 2019
FIRST ARMY CH DETACHMENT TRNG POC and MOB Handbook SME/POC 120 MFTB UMT AT FORT HOOD Russ Hill MAJ BDE CH W: 254-288-6987 C: 254-781-6988 John Goldsworthy LTC SR OC/T C: 808-375-4338 ; Jonathan Anderson CPT OPS CH W: 254-285-6751 C: 419-708-5632 Arthur Washington SFC BDE CH ASST C: 334-695-8193 CH DET TRNG Resource 377 TSC CH DET A (Trainers) CH (MAJ) Kenath K Harris WARD T. GROS PH: 407-928-8740 Key contact information for CH Dets entering the MOB process. The CH Det handbook provides a one stop resource for pre-mob checklists, training requirements, and mob planning. OR POC: CH (COL) Zust, 309-782-9100 As of JAN 2019
Hidden Slides
The Impact of Operational Religious Support Training Upon Organizational UMT and Chaplain Detachment Readiness The Area Size of Color Indicates the Impact of Operational RS Training Upon UMT Sustained Readiness (Based upon the # of UMTs/Event) Home Station Training JFHQ/CAST Training USAR Sr. UMT Training Events MCTP USACHCS Training Support Home Station Pre- Mob Traing CSTX, XCTC, WFX MFGI Post- Mob Training. Pre 2019 1A Training priorities. Same concept 1A OC/Ts need to advise commanders the “bang for the buck” in how we support home station training for RC UMTs. Color indicates Priority of 1A Training Support We need to maximize training opportunities with Partnered Units at Home Station IOT leverage Special Staff Training during CPXs and Post-Mob CTEs.