Multiplication Expressions By Monica Yuskaitis
Definitions Product – the answer to a multiplication problem. Times – multiply.
Word Phrases The product of 5 and a number c Seven time a number t 6 multiplied by a number d 5 x c or 5c 7 x t or 7t 6 x d or 6d
Placement Rule Always write the variable after the number. b x 6 write 6b
Write an algebraic expression 24 multiplied by a number Product of 32 and a number 300 times a number 24n 32n 300n
Using parentheses 4 x b 4 (b) (4) b (4b)
Find my rule x y 2 6 3 9 5 15 8 24
Find my rule x y 2 10 3 15 5 25 8 40
Find my rule x y 2 16 3 24 5 40 8 64
Find my rule x y 2 18 3 27 5 45 8 72