Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg, MD) Date: September 17, 1862 Battle: Union General McClellan v. Confederate General Lee McClellan forces Confederacy to retreat, but doesn’t pursue them Lincoln fires McClellan Significance: Bloodiest single day battle in U.S. history
The Union’s victory inspired Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
Emancipation Proclamation Date: January 1, 1863 Significance: Freed the slaves in the “rebelling states” ONLY Did not free slaves in border states that had not seceded Changed the goal of the war to abolishing slavery
Lincoln Suspends Habeas Corpus Date April 27, 1863 Significance Allowed states to imprison people without giving them a trial first
On both sides, the rich were exempt Conscription 1863 Heavy casualties and desertion led to a need for troops Significance Draft that forced certain members of the population to serve in the army On both sides, the rich were exempt
Battle of Gettysburg (Gettysburg, PA) Date: July 1-3, 1863 Significance: Crushing defeat for Lee’s troops; Confederacy forced to retreat back to Virginia THE turning point of the war- the Confederacy never won a major battle after this defeat
More than 50,000 casualties over 3 days.
Gettysburg Address Date: Significance: November 19, 1863 Lincoln’s speech at the commemoration of the nation’s first national cemetery Said that the war was a struggle to preserve the Union and our liberties Boosted morale in the North and encouraged troops to keep fighting
Battle of Vicksburg (Vicksburg, MS) Date: March 22 through July 4, 1863 Battle: General Grant placed Vicksburg under a brutal siege Significance: Cut Confederacy in half Union took control of the Mississippi River