Administration and Reporting Meals Administration and Reporting
Optimize your eLearning environment Optimize your eLearning environment! Connect a 2nd Monitor to your Computer As you browse the lesson, navigate MyPaymentsPlus to the same location and see it in real time.
In this lesson you will learn to: Navigate the Admin Portal Add your District Users Assist your Parents Run Reports and Reconcile Deposits
Why is this lesson called Meals? MyPaymentsPlus is your one-stop-shop for all school-related payments including: Meals, otherwise known as Online Cafeteria Deposits, offers many features including Auto-Payments and Low-Balance E-mail notifications. Fees & Activities encompasses a wide variety of online payment capabilities including invoicing, registration, digital forms, shopping and more. Direct Funding via the Fees and Activities tool provides the ability to have transactions tied directly to the bank account of their choice, eliminating any delays in depositing. Our AP Exam Registration tool prevents scheduling conflicts, decreases chances of inaccurate pricing and gives the user the opportunity to acknowledge need for IEP or 504 plan. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Fees and Activities and AP Exam are covered in separate lessons.
MyPaymentsPlus has TWO sites to log into: ONE for parents and ONE for admins like you. We’ll be logging into the Admin site today. Account Holders will log into this site.
Navigating the Admin Portal You will have received an e-mail and created your login password, your user name is your email. If not, talk to your district’s MyPaymentsPlus admin. Bookmark the page for easy access. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Let’s log in and take a look at your MyPaymentsPlus Admin portal.
Navigating the Admin Portal You will land on the Dashboard page. From here, you can access the entire portal. For example, click on Reports to open that page. We’ll be coming back here later in the lesson. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed The website times out after 20 minutes of inactivity. It’s all about data security!
Navigating the Admin Portal Let’s take a look at your Dashboard. Fees and Activities are covered in another lesson. In Getting Started, you can add users. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Training will provide info on the latest updates and link to the screen for changing your password. In Parent Outreach, click Use Marketing Kit. You and your Parents can reach us anytime.
Navigating the Admin Portal Another browser tab will open with lots of marketing material for you. Click back on the MyPaymentsPlus you came from. A word from our Marketing team: MyPaymentsPlus is here to assist you with all of your marketing needs. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Our Marketing Team provides you with everything from customized marketing materials, email blasts, social media advice and more – completely free! Click here to access our team:
Click on the Settings tab. Navigating the Admin Portal Click on the Settings tab. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Click on Admin Users. This is where you’ll add your district users. For MEALS, you’ll mainly be using these 3 functions.
Adding and Editing your District Users The System Users page allows you to search for existing accounts and Add new ones. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed You can also get here from Dashboard> Admin Users.
Adding your District Users You may want to see which Users already exist. Type @ or ., then click Search to list ALL users. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed To find individuals, enter some or all of the User Name, First Name or Last name, then click Search.
Adding your District Users Click Edit to update the user’s profile. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Adding and Editing your District Users Click Add to create a User. Enter first and last name and the user’s e-mail address. Save, and an e-mail is sent to the new user. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Assign a role. Administrator or Food Service Manager Is most common. Food Service Managers have admin rights only to Meals activities. No action is needed here. Admins and Managers are assigned to all schools by default.
Assisting your Parents MyPaymentsPlus has a dedicated Support Team for you and your parents. Both the Admin and Parent portal offer several way to connect with us. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Most districts refer parent calls to us, but, when assisting Account Holders, your Admin Portal provides several ways to help, including: Messaging , using District Bulletin. Transaction Lookup, when searching for single transactions. People Search, allowing you to look up user accounts by name or id. We’ll review each.
Assisting your Parents To post a message on your Parent’s MyPaymentsPlus home page, click Settings then click District Bulletin. Choose Account Summary- District Message Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Type in your message. You have many editing options. You can only display 1 message for all MyPaymentsPlus users in your district, including those only using Fees and Activities. Be sure to Save Content when you’re finished.
Assisting your Parents If you are trying to locate a single Account Holder payment, use the Transaction Lookup feature. Click Settings then click Search Transactions. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed You can search by a wide range of criteria.
Assisting your Parents This is what your search result will return. All transactions for the value you entered will be returned in a list. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed A Status Key is provided on the Search screen.
Assisting your Parents Click People Search to access account information. search by name or ID number. District Population searches for all students. Registered Users searches for students with accounts and the account owner. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Users and account members with MPP accounts appear over a shaded background. Because this search was on District Population all students, whether they have an account or not, will display.
Assisting your Parents Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Next, let’s review Simulate and Payment History. Click Simulate.
Assisting your Parents Simulate is a very interesting feature that replicates the account for your access. Why? Let’s say a parent calls with a question about a function in his or her portal. You can Simulate the account to see exactly what they are seeing. Caution: You are looking at LIVE data. Handle with Care! Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Like when you opened the Marketing Kit, Simulate opens a new Browser tab. If it doesn’t work, check to see if your browser’s pop-up blocker is ON and turn it OFF.
This will be your view of the Parent Portal This will be your view of the Parent Portal. You will be logged into their account and see exactly what the parent sees. Payments are entered here. Account Holders can set up: Auto Pay Low balance Notifications Manage Students allows you to add students to the account. Meal purchases and payment history can be viewed here. MyPaymentPlus support is accessed here.
Assisting your Parents Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Return to People Search and Click Payment History.
Assisting your Parents Payment History shows you all payments made under the account. They are listed newest first. Click on confirmation # to see more details of the transaction. The parent will have been provided this # at the time of payment. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Nevada Smith Smith Jebadiah
Reporting Under the Reports tab you will see a menu of different report categories on the left. Click Banking and Reconciliation. These reports will show you when payments were made and the deposits you can expect to see deposited to your bank. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Click Advanced. These reports will show if any payments were returned. It will also show ACH* transactions (payments by check) that are still pending deposit to your district bank account.
Report Filters allow you to focus your search. Reporting Report Filters allow you to focus your search. Click GO to run the report. Deposit Date is the date it entered your Bank Account. Transaction Date is the date the parent paid to the account. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed You can run reports by module. Use the x to remove as needed. Choose to generate the report in the Web Page, in Excel, or as a PDF. Web Page will display on your monitor and download otherwise. Download goes to your \Downloads folder and asks if you want to View. E-mail will send the report to your Inbox.
Here’s an example of the District Payment Summary report. Reporting Here’s an example of the District Payment Summary report. Use Navigation Bar change pages, download or print. Your A summary of the Filter options is shown. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Payments by Credit Cards are shown here. InstFee is the transaction fee paid by the district. These are payments by check. Note: If your reports aren’t generating, turn off the pop-up blocker in your web browser and try again.
Reporting Popular reports include: District Payment Summary Report This report is a quick way to see what was deposited into your bank account on each day. The last page of the report will show the total for the date range chosen. Payment Details Report This report itemizes each payment that was included in each deposit and will show each student’s payment details. Use this report to locate payments for specific students. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Site Payment Summary Report This report will show the amount each site contributed to the Bank Deposit. Deposits with Transaction Dates Report This report will show transaction dates for each deposit. Chargebacks In the event of a account holder has disputed a payment, you will get an e-mail notice from Persolvent (the payments processor). The data you receive in the e-mail will be duplicated on this report.
Reconciliation Reporting Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Generate the Payment Summary Report for the reconciliation date range. Download or Print as needed. Compare the Deposit Date and Daily Net Total to your Bank Statement.
Congratulations, You’ve mastered Meals! Now you can: Navigate and Administrate Help your Parents Run Reports to help Reconcile
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