Do Now Think about a time when someone gave you feedback that actually led to a change in practice. What was it about that feedback that led to positive change? What does it mean to give “good feedback? Think about a time when you were implementing a change across multiple schools. What worked? What didn’t work?
See It, Name It, Do It The tools and strategies to increase team effectiveness and student achievement results
See It, Name It, Do It
Fast Facts About Team CMS 176 Schools 18,773 Employees 9 Learning Communities- moving to 6 during 2018-19 school year 89.4% Graduation Rate 61.2% GLP / 52.2% CCR 119 schools Met/Exceeded Growth
Fast Facts About Team CMS 183 Countries 197 Languages 151,757 Students
Objective During this session participants will learn how to narrow the focus and coach around super levers to increase student achievement by using three steps: See It, Name It, Do It. Session participants will receive tools and strategies to increase both leader and team effectiveness through coaching, modeling, and mentoring.
Get Better Faster: Using Observation & Feedback to Develop Teachers Paul Bambrick-Santoyo
Coaching Opera What does Renee Fleming do to help the young tenor improve? What makes her coaching effective? 8
Coaching Opera Begin video around 11:00 mark. 9
Coaching Opera Table Talk: What does Renee Fleming do to help the young tenor improve? What makes her coaching effective? What could this type of coaching have on student achievement at our schools? 10
See it! Name it! Do it! SEE IT: Seeing is believing … Modeling the expected skill , or showing a video of what the skill looks like .. this eliminates guesswork for the teacher. NAME IT: With the model as a basis .. is the opportunity for action.. stating What the action will be. (state ex) This should clear and concise ..the How ..key steps for the action to be implemented. (CFU) (this also can create a common language for a particular skill)
See it! Name it! Do it! DO IT: Once the teacher has seen the model and has named the appropriate steps; Time will be needed for the teacher to write out (plan)the actions before practice.(perfect the action) Practice .. make sure the practice is aligned to the action step. Assist if teacher struggles….ask teacher about their gaps based on model . Practice until successful. Set up a date and time for follow up.. during this time communicate when you will be observing and the skill that you will be looking for.
Get Better Faster Resource
GBFG: Management & Rigor
5th Grade Literacy Lesson As you watch this 5th grade lesson on inferencing, consider the action steps provided on the handout. What is this teacher’s next action step for improvement? Place a star next to the action step. 15
5th Grade Literacy Lesson
Our Action Step Internalize Existing Lesson Plans: Make existing plans your own. Internalize & rehearse key parts of the lesson, including the “I Do” and all key instructions Build time-stamps into the lesson plan and follow them
See it, Name it, Do it….Whole School Improvement Session participants will receive tools and strategies to increase both leader and team effectiveness through coaching, modeling, and mentoring.
“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” -Institute for Healthcare Improvement
The Airlines
Three “Super” Levers Purposeful Teaching and Learning-DDI Culture Observation and Feedback
See it! The What See the Success See the Exemplar See the Gap
See it! The How Goals for Learning Community Professional Development Plan Dashboard
Learning Community Goals
The Dashboard Due October 20
Data Monitoring Chart Due October 20
Differentiated Support Teacher Chart
Name It! The GAP How: Site Visits Reset Plans Rigor/Management Tool Feedback Trackers EVAAS Data Coaching Conference
Management and Rigor Trajectory Getting Better Faster Management and Rigor Trajectory
Site Visit: Classroom Observations
Structure of the Site Visit Celebrations Celebrations. Each participant will share celebrations until the group has exhausted their lists. School Level Feedback and Planning Using observation and student work data, leaders will identify key trends across classrooms and common spaces, selecting 1-2 trends for which to problem solve and action plan. Synthesize Data & Identifying Big Rocks~ Share the Group Tally Sheet! (5 minute) Synthesize observation data. Participants will share general reflections of data collected. Sample reflection questions: · Does the data show any trends? As a whole school? By grade? By content? What patterns do you see in the data? What questions does this data raise for you? Based on this data, what would be your top 3-5 action steps?
Dashboard Review and Reflection Trish, make sure to connect this with Data Visits that are upcoming.
DO IT: PLAN and PRACTICE Site Visits w/ ILT Weekly Data Meeting Coaching Caseloads Facilitator Development
Distributive Leadership Instructional Support IMPACT ON CULTURE Platform for Learning Common Language Distributive Leadership Build Capacity Strategic Support Instructional Support Ongoing Feedback CULTURE
What’s Working? What to Consider? Best Plays What’s Working? What to Consider? Teacher coaches in the work giving ongoing feedback. Teacher alignment to the common core/assessments. Breaking down the standards using KUD- Know, Understand, Do. Facilitators who break down student work tasks with data meetings- start with the exemplar when they plan. Implementing aggressive monitoring with exemplars. Creating the exemplar in planning- pushes the teachers the farthest the fastest. Come to planning and discuss the exemplar and use the time to spar to piece it together. Use of student work to drive decisions. Tracking feedback. Aligning feedback to evaluation instrument. Most struggling teachers Real time teacher coaching with GBF- management. Collaborative exemplar- every person is using the same exemplar.
The dashboard tool has had had a tremendous impact on the way our instructional leadership team leverages leadership within our building to raise student achievement. As a principal with over 10 years of experience your dashboard tool has allowed us to be much more purposeful in our coaching and use of data to make instructional decisions. We love the fact that the tool is very user friendly and able to be modified based on the needs and goals of the school. The dashboard allows us to view data at a glance as well as drill down to specific grade levels or content areas. Having the EVAAS data present on the dashboard allows us to look for trends with teachers and see if a teacher's previous performance is mirrored in real time data. We also appreciate your hands-on approach and customer service that comes with this data analysis tool. We can't believe that we get all of this for free!!! Thanks again! Kevin C. Woods, Ed.D. Principal Principal
Using the data dashboard with our admin team has helped us calibrate our focus areas for the school. It has prompted us to remain data driven, plan our conversations around trends and reflect on our progress towards our End of The Year goals. We are currently using the EVAAS piece to guide our coaching work and professional development. Amanda Huffman Assistant Principal, Whitewater Academy
The goal setting aspect of this dashboard has been tremendous in supporting teams in collaborative planning, as well as to the vertical articulation of standards between grades. Use of this dashboard has assisted in guiding the priorities in our 90 Day plan, as part of our School Improvement Plan. The regular updates to this dashboard allow us to measure our practices as well as the quality of our assessments. Renée Golz, M.Ed Assistant Principal
Resources & Contact Information Chris Triolo Trish Sexton