UW-Eau Claire Online Application Step-by-Step Instructions for Exchange and Grant Students
Dear Exchange and Grant Students, Thank you for considering UW-Eau Claire! This packet will help you complete your exchange student application at UW-Eau Claire. We have provided notes and explanations about each part of the application process. Your first step is to create an online account at: https://apply.wisconsin.edu/. We recommend that you use your email name as your “Login ID” for your account, since it will be easy to remember. Once you begin at Screen 14 (Personal Information), you can save your application at any point, and continue at a later time. Please work with your school to submit all application documents. Application questions? Contact the Center for International Education at steuerra@uwec.edu. We look forward to welcoming you to the UW-Eau Claire campus! Sincerely, Center for International Education University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Step 1 — Create an Account We recommend that your login ID be the same as your email address, so it is easy to remember. Select a question to answer in case you forget your password. Once you have confirmed that the information is correct, click “Save New Registration” to continue.
Step 2 — Creating your Application Select, “Create application” to start applying for admission.
Make the selection that reflects your current standing as a student This means that you have graduated from a secondary school and are now attending a college or university Select Special/Non-degree In these screens, make the selections highlighted above, or that best reflect your standing as a student. After each step press “Next”.
Select these options on the following screens Select these options on the following screens. After completing each screen select “Next”. As you are not a US citizen, you will need to apply for a student visa. Select the semester or term you wish to apply for
Your summary at the end of this process should look like this, with whichever post-secondary education and term you were applying for at the bottom. Then select “Continue”.
After viewing your summary and selecting “continue,” a screen such as the following should pop up. To begin inputting your information, select the first tab and follow the instructions.
Application Section 1 — Campus Specific You should see the same type of student here Click “No” and skip the rest of that question The correct term you are applying for should appear here Leave this blank Select Other & then type in a major that best fits your interests. There is a list of UWEC majors on the next slide
List of Majors at UW-Eau Claire Accounting Actuarial Science American Indian Studies Art & Design Athletic Training Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Biology Business Administration Business Economics Chemistry Chemistry/Business Emphasis Communication Communication Sciences and Disorders Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Elementary Education English Environmental Public Health Finance French Geography Geology German Health Care Administration Higher Education History Information Systems International Business Japanese Journalism Kinesiology Latin American Studies Management Marketing Mass Communication Materials Science Mathematics Music Neuroscience Nursing Organizational Leadership and Communication Philosophy Physics Political Science Pre-Law Pre-Professional Health Psychology Religious Studies Social Work Sociology Spanish Special Education Teaching English as a Foreign Language Theatre Arts Undeclared Women's Studies Additional Information about majors can be found at https://www.uwec.edu/academics/majors-minors/
Select “No” to the first two questions and leave the middle section blank Select “No” for the last question. Then click the bottom button to move on to the next step
Application Section 2 — Personal Information Enter your name as it appears on your passport. Make sure that you anglicize your name. For example, if you have an umlaut or any other accent mark in your name, you must remove them to spell out your name without them.
Only fill out this section if you have changed your name Only fill out this section if you have changed your name. Otherwise, leave it blank. As you do not have a Social Security Number, you do not need to fill out this section.
Input your birthday following the template above the box Complete the Race/Ethnicity section by filling out both sections a and b Mark the gender that appears on your passport, and click “Next.” Mark the gender with which you identify Click the button to check for errors and move to the next step
Section 2.5 — Personal Information Continued Ignore the blue box with warning text. As you do not have a Social Security Number, but you can just check the box at the bottom of the section and move on.
Fill in your birthplace information here Fill in your birthplace information here. These fields are required by the government. Select the correct type of student visa you will be applying for. Click the blue question mark for more information about the different types of visas.
If you have taken any of these exams, you can provide score information. You are not required to provide this information in your application. Type in your native language. Then click the button below to check for errors and continue to the next step
Section 3 — Address Enter your preferred email address here. Insert your address information, only using English letters. Do not include accent marks or diacritics. Once you have put in all your information, click the confirm address button. This will take you to a different screen to make sure you have typed the address in correctly.
Provide your phone number with the country code, and select whether you would like to receive text messages or not Select if your mailing address is the same as the address you provided earlier or not. If it is different you will enter that address in later. Then click the check for errors and continue button to ensure you have provided all of the correct information.
Section 4 — High School Select the type of school you graduated from. Then click the box at the bottom to check for errors and continue on to the next step.
Section 4 — High School of Graduation Using the add/edit button, use the drop boxes provided to enter your high school information Next, using the date template shown above the box, type in your date of high school graduation. Select whether you have attended a different high school. Then click the button to check for errors and move on to the next step
Section 4 — Higher Education Answer these questions in regards to your most recent studies at an educational institution **If you do have institutions of higher education to report, do not check the box and move to the next slide for further instruction Click the box here to note that you do not have any higher education institutions to report. If this is the case, scroll down to the check for errors and continue box to move to the next step
Using the “Add Another Institution” box, you will be able to enter in the information needed, just like you did with your high school information. Use the “Edit” and “Remove” buttons on the side to make any changes Also use the “Add Another Institution” box to add other institutions you have attended
Once you have all green checkmarks you can click the last drop down arrow to Submit application . You will need to enter your name as it appears on your passport, and your date of birth on the next page.