The English Language and the 8 parts of speech
The 8 parts of speech: Memory Test Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Pronouns Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections
Learning the 8 parts of speech Draw a large Octopus, leaving plenty of room for writing inside each tentacle. Label each leg with the 8 parts of speech. Colour the Octopus And… 4. Learn this poem:
Learn the 8 parts of speech. Homework: Learn the 8 parts of speech.
Nouns A noun is the name of any object: a person, an animal, a thing, an idea or a place. How many nouns are there in the following sentence? Charlie the black dog chases Tibbles the ginger cat up the old tree, sits on the path while he happily wags his tail and barks - ‘woof-woof!’
Nouns: Answers 7 Two ‘proper nouns:’ Charlie & Tibbles Five ‘common nouns:’ dog, cat, tree, path and tail.
Adjectives An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. It tells you more about it. A D J E C T I V
Adjectives An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. It tells you more about it. Angelic Daring Jolly Excellent Clever Truthful Inventive Virtuous Eccentric
Adverbs An adverb is used to describe a verb. It adds information to the verb. Adverbs are easy to spot because they usually end in the letters ‘ly.’ Can you think of 6 to complete this acrostic? A D V E R B
Adverbs Can you think of 6 to complete this acrostic? Athletically Daintily Valiantly Effortlessly Richly Beautifully
Conjunctions A conjunction such as ‘and,’ ‘or’ and ‘but’ is used to link words, clauses and sentences. Can you think of any more?
Conjunctions Write down this mnemonic to remember these conjunctions: For And Nor But Or Yet So
Prepositions: Can you spot them? Task 1: List all the other prepositions you can think of: on, in, by, The cat sat on the grass, in the garden by the pond. Task 2: Can you think of 3 more sentences like this one with at least 2 prepositions in?
Pronouns Pronouns can take the place of nouns that have already been used. Sentences would become cluttered and ugly without them: John said that John’s mother was taking John in John’s mother’s car to visit John’s mother’s friends and see John’s mother’s friends’ goldfish. Can you improve this sentence using pronouns?
Pronouns John said that his mother was taking him in her car to visit her friends and see their goldfish. A Pronoun props up a noun when it is in need of a rest.
Interjections Interjections often appear on their own and can ‘interrupt’ sentences or other speakers. Whoops! Aaargh! Oh no! Ouch! Task: How many more can you think of?
Verbs Verbs are very common. They are commonly known as ‘doing words.’ Can you think of one for every letter of the alphabet?