BTEC LEVEL 3 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit 27 – Dealing with challenging behaviours
P2 Criteria Evidence P2 Explain how legislation/guidance applies to challenging behaviour.
What do you need to do ? You will need to create a PowerPoint presentation on how legislation and guidance used in a health and social care such as a hospital, care home, etc. You will need to answer the following questions using the legislation and guidance which you have found.
What do you need to do first ? To conduct some independent research into nationwide or regional policies with regards to dealing with challenging behaviour which are relevant to your setting. You will need to find 4 different policies which are relevant to your setting, a general one has already been uploaded to the blog. For each question which you are asked, you will need to use evidence from 2 of your policies to answer it. Try to mix and match them throughout your answers.
Task !!!!!
Legislation relevant to challenging behaviour
Recognize the key legislation and guidance that underpins our responses to incidents of challenging behaviour Some underpinning legislation •European Convention on Human Rights •Human Rights Act 1998 •Un Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991) •Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 (CARE COMMISSION/SSSC) •Mental Health Act 2003 (MENTAL WELFARE COMMISSION, MWC) •Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 •Children (Scotland) Act 1995 •Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 & Regulations
What challenging behaviour? Placements? Trauma unit, Year 9 class, Nursery, Surgical ward, Oncology, Grace Eyre – learning difficulties.
Trauma unit
Year 9 class
Surgical ward
Grace Eyre – learning difficulties