Systemic abuse by the NZ Family Court A major violation of women and children’s human rights
Violence against women and children in NZ NZ is worst in the world Sustainable development goal #5 (indirectly #1,3,4,8,10,16) UPR Cycle 2: 29 recommendations made - 27 supported and 2 noted Family Court issue has emerged since Cycle 2 Backbone has heard from many hundreds of women – on line surveys, FB and email messages and phone and in person Horrified by what we have found….
Key findings The Family Court processes and professionals further victimise and abuse women and children Father’s right to access to child is prioritised over child’s right to safety and the child’s views Abusive father’s are seen as safe for children to spend time alone with Dangerous and non-evidence based practices are being used eg parental alienation Abusers are using the Family Court as a new tool to abuse their ex partner – often for many years There are no checks and balances – limited opportunities to appeal or complain NZ has strong legislation – the problem is in the interpretation and application of the legislation A culture of systemic abuse - state funded abuse Women and children are trapped – if they resist, things get a great deal worse
Backbone’s action Reports, submissions, briefings and media statements Calls for Royal Commission of Inquiry Meetings with Minister, Under-secretary, Acting Principal Family Court Judge CEDAW and UPR submissions CEDAW hearing 12th July 2018
A government in denial Ministerial panel (all lawyers) to review the 2014 Family Court reforms As the [new government’s] review will be focused on the operation of the 2014 reforms, it is not intended to include consideration of criticisms of the Family Court more generally. (current Minister for Justice 3rd July 2018) CEDAW report 20th July 2018 Establish a Royal Commission to recommend necessary legislative and structural changes Invite the special rapporteur Make legislation and policy changes Ensure domestic violence, whether directed at the child or at the mother, is properly considered in child custody disputes Review the reliance on the Parental Alienation theory, with a view to limit its usage in child custody disputes. NZ Government 24th July 2018 Asked by TVNZ journalist whether he would upgrade his review to a Royal Commission: No I don’t think we need to – we have a fair idea what the problem points are….