Grade – In class work assignments/Cold Read Tests. Fifth Grade Falcons Week of: October 1-5, 2018 Oct. 5- No school – Fair Day Oct. 9 Mini Cheer Camp performance – 6:00 game starts Oct. 12 – No School – Professional Development/Record Keeping Math: We will begin Unit 2-Multi-Digit and Decimal Fraction Operations •I can multiply multi-digit whole numbers and multiples of 10 using place value patterns and distributive and associative properties of multiplication •I can multiply and divide by powers of 10 (apply to real-life) •I can estimate multi-digit products by rounding factors to a basic fact and using place value patterns Quiz: Thursday, October 4, 201 Novel: The Birchbark House I can analyze character relationships I can determine cause and effect I can identify challenges and responses I can identify theme I can determine how point of view affects how a story is told Grade – In class work assignments/Cold Read Tests. Social Studies: We will complete our study of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations. Students will have a test on Thursday. Notes were given in class last week. Grades this week will come from the test on Thursday as well as in class activities. I can describe characteristics of North American tribes before Europeans came to the Americas. Science: We will review previously learned concepts and will investigate mixtures. We will have a test on Tuesday, October 9th. A study guide will be sent home this week. Grades this week will come from in class activities and labs. I can identify that the total mass of matter is conserved after heating, cooling, or mixing substances.'‘ I can identify that when 2 substances are mixed, a new substance with different properties may be formed, but the mass of the substances will remain the same. Literary Analysis I can organize my writing I can develop a topic with facts I can use a comma after an introductory word/phrase Test folders come home on Wednesdays. Please make sure your child has needed supplies.