10. Developing effective pitches Marketplace for Nutritious Foods Investment Readiness training for Businesses within the CoP 10. Developing effective pitches November 2018 Author : Intellecap
Common Pitch Deck pitfalls Bad Design 01 Claiming you have no competitors 02 Failing to establish your own credentials 03 Underestimating the importance of storytelling 04 Too many slides = Bad 05 No clear call to action 06
Common Pitch Deck pitfalls The importance of good design:
01 08 02 07 03 06 04 05 Aesthetics & Visual Appeal Not too wordy Pitch Deck pointers Aesthetics & Visual Appeal 01 Not too wordy Proofread 08 02 Not too many technical details KISS (keep it simple stupid) 07 03 06 04 No Jargon Include Photos 05 Keep to reasonable size
Pitch Deck Components SLIDE 6 SLIDE 5 SLIDE 4 SLIDE 3 SLIDE 2 SLIDE 1 The problem / gap in the market SLIDE 1 SLIDE 2 SLIDE 3 SLIDE 4 SLIDE 5 SLIDE 6 Market Opportunity Company Overview Your products / services Business Model Progress so far SLIDE 0 Slide 0: Introduction Slide Company Name with Logo (picture) Contact Details Date (MMYY) Slide 1: The Problem / Current Scenario Problems: Explain the nature and quantum of loss/problem. Major issues. Use Chart/Statistics/Pictures to explain the same. Current Solutions: Who is currently catering to these problems? What is the gap in these offerings? Slide 2: Market size/potential. Use existing solution provider’s name/offerings. Demand of quality/better/improved services to address these gaps. Slide 3: Company Overview Brief about company offerings and how it addresses the aforesaid gaps. Clearly cite our target customers for your business offerings. Vision/Mission/Objective Slide 4: Products / Services (Please use pictures wherever possible) Products: No. of products Purpose/uses of these products Pricing Services: Various service offerings Slide 5: Business Model Revenue streams Cost structure Implementation / execution strategy Slide 6: Progress So Far Pilots done / milestones achieved. Number of customers served till date/products sold till date. Key clients serviced till date. Pictures of operations/camps/ etc. Progress made on product development if any. Team size Introduction
Pitch Deck Components SLIDE 8 SLIDE 9 SLIDE 10 SLIDE 11 SLIDE 12 Scale-Up Plan SLIDE 8 SLIDE 9 SLIDE 10 SLIDE 11 SLIDE 12 SLIDE 6 Revenue breakdown/ Unit Economics Financials Funding Requirement Risks & Challenges Contact Slide SLIDE 13 SLIDE 7 Pitch Deck Components Slide 7: Strong Management and Advisory Team (Add picture of team members) Core management team profiles. Name Brief about each personnel Educational Qualifications Current team size and future hiring expectations Advisory Team profiles (if any). Current engagement. Brief about each personnel and mention names of other companies he advises/advised in the past. Slide 8: Scale up plan Expansion of service/product offerings Phase by scale up plan Slide 9: Unit Economics / Revenue Breakdown (In tabular format) Slide 10: Financials Financial Projections and Funding Requirements: In a table format Promoter’s Money into Business Slide 11: Funding Requirements Funding Instrument Use of Funds Expected valuation* Slide 12 : Challenges / Risk and Mitigations Slide 13: Thank You Slide Promoter’s Email ID/ Contact Details Team
Pitch Deck Template
Company Name with Logo (or picture) Contact Details Date (MM/YY)
The Problem / Current State of XXX Current Solutions/Status Quo Who is currently catering to these problems? What is the gap in these offerings? -Use existing solution provider’s name/offerings. Demand of quality/better/improved services to address these gaps. Problems Explain the nature and quantum of loss/problem. Major issues. Use Chart/Statistics/Pictures to explain the same.
The Problem (EXAMPLE)
Market Opportunity TAM,SAM,SOM Estimates Potential Market size of the problem / solution TAM,SAM,SOM Estimates Global Perspective Use multiple geographies if your product / solution is international
Market Opportunity (EXAMPLE)
Company Overview Brief about your company offerings and how it addresses the aforesaid gaps (i.e. your solution) Vision/Mission/Objective:
Company Overview (EXAMPLE)
Products / Services (EXAMPLE)
Competitive Landscape (EXAMPLE)
Business / Revenue Model
Current Progress (EXAMPLE)
Strong Management Team (EXAMPLE)
Scale up plan (EXAMPLE) Phase 3- 2019 $1.2M 7 facilities replicated in Tanzania or existing facilities expanded 2000 growers earn $500 a year Phase 1 – 2017 $125,000 1 Processing facility pilot in coastal Kenya 100 growers earn $500 a year 3 2 1 Phase 2 – 2018 $400,000 3 facilities replicate in all Coastal counties in Kenya 500 growers earn $500 a year
Financial Projections (EXAMPLE)
Funding Requirements/ Your Ask If asking for Money Otherwise ask for: Promoter’s Money into Business 1 Advice 1 Capital Requirements 2 Connections (be specific) 2 Detailed usage of Funds 3 Mentorship 3
Risks and Challenges (OPTIONAL) Also include mitigation strategies
Impact of your Business / Product / Service Increase in income Number of Jobs created Increased productivity C02 emissions reduced 04 03 02 01
Your name, Email, Phone number, Company website Thank You Contact Details: Your name, Email, Phone number, Company website
THE ELEVATOR PITCH A quick five-line pitch on: What is your background? What does your company do? What pain points does it address? How are you differentiated from competitors? How do you make money? Goal: Grab enough attention to get a call or meeting. Mostly used in events, etc. when you meet an investor for the first time. Important to gauge the situation – sometimes it maybe better to have a memorable conversation with the investor instead, get their card at the event, and send them an email with executive summary / investment deck right after.
THE ELEVATOR PITCH Ad-Lib (Company) solves (Problem) by providing (Product/ Service), to help (target market) accomplish (target’s goal). We achieve this by (Secret Sauce/ Advantage) and make money by (revenue model) we are looking for (investment/ support) to (Use of funds/ objectives).