Washington, D. C. 2019 After this presentation, you will go to classrooms and receive a trip itinerary, packing list, and medical forms for your student. Esta presentaciòn será repetida en Español durante las sesiones en el aula 201
Chaperones Sue Nash Darla Jones Marion Bish Jay Iadarola Ashley Short Lauren King Mary Odom Kevin Lipp Brittiny Vanterpool Paula McCachren Megan Gomiz Margaret Lawson Blair Austin Craig Waskiewicz Sophia Berhane Mary Anne Capel Pam Dulaney Chris Cline Ryan Benson Gabby Maynard Garrett Jordan
Tuesday, February 26th Arlington National Cemetery Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers Iwo Jima Memoria Tour of National Mall Lincoln Memorial Vietnam Memorial Korean War Memorial
Wednesday, February 27th National Holocaust Museum National Museum of African American History & Culture National Holocaust Museum Museum of Natural History Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial FDR Memorial
Thursday, February 28th United States Capitol Smithsonian Museum of American History Jefferson Memorial Marine Corp Memorial Pentagon
Friday, March 1st Mount Vernon Return to CC Griffin
Arrival Process on Tuesday morning You can start arriving at 5:30 that morning, you must be checked in prior to 6:30 am. Drop your child off in the bus parking lot next to the gym. Your child should come in the gym and have his/her bag checked. We will have them unzip all pockets, etc. Yes we are looking for items they shouldn’t have with them. Once their bag is checked they will get a tag for their bag. We will take their bags and they should have a seat in the gym. Bags will be checked by the students bus number. They will find out their assigned bus number on the Monday afternoon before the trip. If you are going to walk in with your student, please don’t park in the bus parking lot. You will need to park in the lot in front of the 6th grade classrooms.
Medical Paperwork All medical forms will be given out in the small group sessions that will follow. If your child is taking any prescription medication at home you will need to get a doctor’s authorization if that medication is to be taken on the trip. If your child is taking a prescription medication at school we already have a doctor’s authorization. Your doctor should also indicate on the form whether your child should self-medicate or if a chaperone on the trip should give the medication. TODOS los medicamentos serán objeto de seguimiento para el cumplimiento de la política en la mañana de salida.
Medical Paperwork If your child is going to take any over the counter medication, you should attach a note to the medication bottle that clearly indicates the dosage and times your child should take the medicine. Your child should only take the amount of the medicine that they will need while on the trip. So they shouldn’t take a whole bottle of Advil, only the amount they would need for the three days.
What to pack? Warm, school appropriate clothes (enough for three days) HEAVY coat, gloves, hats, scarves, etc. Please don’t pack these things in the suitcase, we will need them on Wednesday night. Comfortable walking shoes Socks Poncho Toiletries and deodorant Spending money Two fast food meals and maybe for shopping
Extra Monies The price you paid included monies for all meals, however, here is the breakdown: Tuesday Lunch at a fast food restaurant ($8 allowance) Dinner provided Wednesday breakfast at Holiday Inn Lunch at a food court ($10 allowance) Souvenir shopping (not included) Thursday Breakfast at Holiday Inn Friday Lunch at a fast food restaurant ($10 allowance)
Cell Phones
Please keep in mind … The eligibility criteria will remain in effect until the day of the trip NO Out of School Suspensions More than one In School Suspensions More than three discipline referrals of any kind. It any of these things happen your child will no longer be eligible to go on the Washington trip. If this happens from this point forward, you will get no money refunded to you.
Where do I go from here? No hablo English Valla al aula 202 If your child is on the Cline, Davidson, Hardy, Ziemba team, you will need to go to room 224 (Mr./Mrs. Cline’s room) If your child is on the Kline, Reedy, King, Jones team, you will need to go to room 205 (Ms. Jones’ room) If your child is on the Berlin, Gagliano, Garmon, Ward team, you will need to go to room 214 (Mr. Berlin’s room) No hablo English Valla al aula 202