Public Speaking Workshop 3
Objectives! How to construct an engaging and interesting speech Practical tips for speaking in front of people
How confident does everyone currently feel to speak up in SU Council on a scale of 1-5? 5 – Totally confident 1- Not at all confident (Show of hands) What do you think are the main reasons you would not want to publicly speak in SU Council?
Famous Speeches Famous speakers Why are they good? What makes them a good orator?
Top Tips Keep what your saying to the point (esp. in SU Council time limits) Try not to cram too much in- have 4-5 main points or arguments Think about your audience make it relatable Finish on something memorable! For example, your key message, question and answer, quote, hard hitting fact
Rapport What is Rapport? Rapport is one of the most important features or characteristics of subconscious communication. It is commonality of perspective: being "in sync" with, or being "on the same wavelength" as the person with whom you are talking. Simplest form: humour, shared emotion.
Ways to create rapport Make your story relatable and relevant to your audience. (EXAMPLE) Finding Common Ground! - Disclosure (EXAMPLE From 1:15) - Common Vision (EXAMPLE From 9:30)
The power of words Repetition ‘Yes, we can!’ Antithesis – contrast. ‘We’re not the biggest, but we are the best’ Tripling (Anaphora) – the rule of 3. ‘Education, Education, Education’ Alliteration ‘The dark days have disappeared’
The power of words Can Today Guarantee Money Easy Love Quality New Urgent Opportunity You Win
Action Visualisation Injustice Experience Apathy Staircase Action Visualisation Injustice Experience
What ways could these techniques be used in SU Council?
Anticipate questions about your credibility Anticipate what you might be asked, and know how you are going to respond. If you have prepared well and know your ideas, you’ll be fine! Don’t be afraid of not knowing the answer!
Eye Contact? Practical Tips Look at your audience as much as possible Looking up and out into the crowd will also help project your voice Look around Look behind everyone!
Body Language? Practical Tips 93% of communication is non-verbal. Try to relax. Do what puts you at ease. Be comfortable; if you need to hold something, stand next to something or behind something.
Tone and pace of voice Practical Tips Don’t shout all the way through. Do use emphasis for important points. You will naturally speak faster when you are nervous so purposefully slow down . Find ways to slow you down. For example, a bottle of water or room to breath in your notes.
Pulling the threads together Don’t end with a question Recap your key messages Add a call to action, or leave them with a clear final thought. EXAMPLE
In pairs talk about something you love for 30 seconds using 2 of the techniques we’ve looked at today
Questions? Reminders: - PAGS - Jumpers - Next meeting