Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Introduction Countable characters. fixed usually at or before metamorphosis and remain constant throughout the life Treat these characters separately and find frequency distribution - to give variation between species or populations. Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Abbreviations used D – Dorsal fin (D1 first DF; D2 second DF) A – Anal fin P1 – Pectoral fin P2 or V2 – Ventral fin C – Caudal fin L1 – Lateral line scales Ltr – Lateral transverse row of scales O – Adipose dorsal fin Gr – Gill rakers Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Dorsal fin count & anal fin count - includes spines and rays. 3 spines & 7 branched rays in a single dorsal fin - DIII, 7 2 spines & 5 rays in anal fin - AII, 5 Pectoral fin count - make on left side - counts can also be made on both sides in a few number of specimens to permit estimation of bilateral variations. Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Fin Formulae D1, I, VII-VIII - First dorsal fin with one spine the rest of spines (VII-VIII) D2, I, 15-16 - second dorsal fin with one spine & 15-16 rays AII, I, 10-15 - Anal fin with two spines separated from one spine & 10-15 rays Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Gill Raker Counts Count on first arch - left side. Raker at junction of upper & lower limbs (epibranchial and ceratobranchial) - included in lower limb count as major part of base of raker is over the ceratobranchial. Rudimentary gill rakers, with the base width (lateral) of the raker equal to, or less than the raker length, occur at the anterior ends of the upper and lower limbs & these are included in the counts, though differentiated as ii, 7+19, iv = 32 Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Laterial line scales (L1) Scales along the lateral line from its origin to its posterior most part of the lateral line. In some teleostean fishes as in clupeids lateral line is absent. In such case scales will be counted along the row where the lateral line normally would have been present. Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Predorsal scales Scales on the midline in front of the dorsal fin origin. These scales are counted as the scale rows which intersect the midline from the anterior point of the dorsal fin to the orbit. Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 Scales above and below the lateral line (Ltr) A transverse series of scales above & below of lateral line Below the lateral line scales - counted from origin of anal fin, not including median ventral scale row, along a forward diagonal to lateral line Above lateral line scales - counted from origin of dorsal fin, not including median dorsal scale row, on a diagonal backward to lateral line; lateral line row is not included in these counts. Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH
Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH DEVELOPMENT OF E-COURSES FOR B.F.Sc COURSES TOPIC TOPIC: Classical Taxonomy-Meristics COURSE ID: DFB1 . Supra temporal band Predorsal scale Upper scale rows Lateral line Lower scale rows Author: Dr. JAWAHAR -TAXONOMY OF FINFISH