QuarkNet A national program that partners high school teachers with particle physicists working at the energy frontier in hadron collider physics. Randy.


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Presentation transcript:

QuarkNet A national program that partners high school teachers with particle physicists working at the energy frontier in hadron collider physics. Randy Ruchti Department of Physics

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Outline Particle Physics Where do we do it How does QuarkNet fit in Nationally Locally - Notre Dame Center What is going on Outlook and prospects ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Particle Physics - the Energy Frontier A key equation: E2 = p2c2 + m2c4 New Physics: Higgs Bosons Supersymmetry String Theory Hidden Dimensions ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Fermilab Tevatron Collider and Main Injector Batavia, Illinois Our Tool: Synchrotrons & Colliding Beams ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CMS Experiment at LHC CERN, Geneva, Switzerland ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Research Coverage There are 60 US universities and national laboratories involved in hadron collider physics research at Fermilab and CERN in four large experiments: DØ*, CDF at Fermilab CMS*, ATLAS at CERN *Notre Dame particle physicists are involved on these. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Motivation Particle physics experiments take a long time to build and operate. Typically 10-15 years. Particle physics experiments are expensive. A great deal of education and outreach activity takes place nationally, but is often incoherent in application. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Vision Give teachers a partnership in the research associated with the experiments. Reach into high schools through classroom transfer. Work for geographic and cultural balance. Operate the program for an extended period of time so that it can have impact (>5yr). ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Involvement by states in hadron collider physics and QuarkNet Centers in FY 99 and FY 00. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet QuarkNet Project Schematic Funding Agencies 4 Principal 4 Staff Teachers Investigators Advisory (Project Staff) one acts as CERN Group one acts as project project director spokesperson 2 Lead At Least 2 Site i Fermilab Teachers Physicists Associate Associate Associate Teacher Teacher Teacher 1 2 n STUDENT RESEARCHERS An integral part of TeV Run II Experiments; LHC turn-on; and ATLAS/CMS experiments. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Approved for funding by NSF/ESIE January 1999 Matching funding from DOE/DHEP through Fermilab Matching funding from NSF/EPP through Notre Dame QuarkNet Principal Investigators M. Bardeen, Fermilab Education Office - Spokesperson R. M. Barnett, LBNL, ATLAS O. K. Baker, Hampton University R. Ruchti, Notre Dame, USCMS Staff Teachers Tom Jordan, IMSA, Fermilab - Project Director Andi Erzberger, Palo Alto, LBNL Ken Cecire, Newport News, Hampton Pat Mooney, Trinity, Notre Dame ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet QuarkNet FY99 - FY00 ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Notre Dame QuarkNet Center Vision A community of researchers including faculty, postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate students and high school teachers and high school students. Location 929 N. Eddy Street, just south of campus. A fully functional research lab. Serves CMS, DØ experiments. Houses office, lab spaces, and student experimental areas. SBIR program on scintillator development. Cosmic Ray Detector Development. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

CMS/QuarkNet Lab 929 N. Eddy St ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Notre Dame QuarkNet Center Fermilab ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Notre Dame QuarkNet Center ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet September 1999: Initial Meeting for ND Center & Weekly Meetings during the 99-00 Academic Year ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

Notre Dame QuarkNet Center Academic Structure* 3-8 week summer research PHYS 598Q (teachers) 1-3 credits PHYS 098Q (students) 1-3 credits academic year research PHYS 598R (teachers) 1 credit PHYS 098R (students) 1 credit discussion sections, laboratory activity *thanks to effort from K. Newman, J. Maddox, B. Bunker ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet ND QuarkNet Center: Staff Mentors Jim Bishop Dan Karmgard Randy Ruchti Mitch Wayne QuarkNet Staff Pat Mooney CMS/DØ Staff Barry Baumbaugh Jeff Marchant Mark Vigneault Administration Jennifer Maddox Lead Teachers LeRoy Castle, La Porte Dale Wiand, Adams Associate Teachers Ken Andert, LaLumiere Beth Beiersdorf, LaSalle Jeff Chorny, LakeShore Helene Douerty, St. Joseph Maggie Jensen, Gavit Tom Loughran, Trinity Kevin Johnston*, Jimtown Rick Roberts*, Clay ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

QuarkNet Staff and Teachers ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Teacher Schedule Three week workshop Mornings: particle physics interactive discussions Afternoons: classroom transfer and research discussions and research activities Fermilab tours (one with students) Five week research experience Presentation on research work in RET forum ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet High School Students 1999 D. Dickerson, Adams D. Saddawi, Adams 2000 (45 Applicants) R. Bhavsar, Adams R. Bourke, LaLumiere M. Busk, Trinity Z. Clark, Jimtown P. Davenport, Trinity A. DeCelles, Trinity N. Garg, Clay J. Martin, Clay S. May, Adams G. Outlaw, LaSalle R. Ribeiro, Trinity R. Smith, Jimtown J. Tristano, LaLumiere K. Whitaker, LaSalle R. Wiltfong, Riley ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

QuarkNet Students - Summer ‘00 ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Student Schedule Morning Shift: 7:30am-1:00pm Afternoon Shift: 12:00pm-5:30pm work at QuarkNet Lab or Nieuwland Science Hall Luncheon interactive physics discussions and/or seminars: 12:00pm-1:00pm At QuarkNet Lab discussions: Karmgard, Mooney, Ruchti seminars: Bigi, Cushing, Hildreth, Konigsberg (UFL), Lynker (IUSB), Wayne ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

DØ Experiment - Making Fiber-optic Waveguide Bundles ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Wayne Seminar ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Konigsberg Seminar ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Summary It has been an exciting period of growth for QuarkNet nationally and locally. We have worked extensively with 11 teachers and 15 high school students. The program should grow, now that the word is out. We are now in need of sustaining resources to manage the local program properly. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet Sustaining the Effort NSF/DOE Funding QuarkNet out-year funding RET (research experiences for teachers) Experimental construction funds, DØ and CMS Endowment or Corporate Sponsorship AEP, Siemens, …? Other initiatives Nanotechnology Center proposal to NSF by the College of Engineering New Particle Physics initiatives. ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet

ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet QuarkNet - Summer 2000 ND Science Advisory Council , 1 September 2000 R. Ruchti, QuarkNet