Improving so I can get where I want to be! Plan – Do – Study –Act: Improving so I can get where I want to be!
GOAL Using the MAP goal setting worksheet, what do I need to work on (Yellow)? How far away am I from my grade level spring goal? What am I doing well, but want to do better?
What do I know about the situation? I have low test scores in class I struggle with _________ My teacher keeps telling me to work on _________ My grades are not good I don’t understand how to ___ I have a hard time keeping organized
What road blocks do I need to overcome? This is where you need to decide what may keep you from meeting your goal: I’m frustrated I don’t have time to work on it I don’t know where to start
This is what I am going to do! If I do these steps then I should reach my goal – Be specific! List what you will do to reach the goal Include a time frame Keep it manageable Ask for help with the steps needed to be done
How can Odyssey help? Which folder should I start with to work on my goal? How much time do I need to invest to make improvement? When will I work on Odyssey? Be specific!
What will I study to know if my plan made a difference? Go back to when you looked at the situation… Monitor Odyssey usage? Keep a chart of scores? Monitor time on Odyssey? How am I doing on other class assessments? Have the teacher help with observations?
What do I do now? At the end of each quarter, review your progress. What do you need to do next? Keep up with what I am doing? I am making progress, but not there yet. Try something new? Celebrate and make a new goal?