Learning intentions You will plan a job advertisement You will choose group roles Learning intentions
Success Criteria You have chosen roles for each person in the group You have planned your advertisement Success Criteria
Look at six examples of job advertisements for inspiration Look at six examples of job advertisements for inspiration! They are entries from a competition to create a job advertisement for a job in healthcare. They all use different formats and approaches. Which do you like best and why?
Career chosen: Psychotherapist Entry type: A plastic puzzle with each piece highlighting a fact about psychotherapy, and a website. Visit:
Entry type: A poster and video. Career chosen: Chef Entry type: A poster and video.
Career chosen: Health Informatics Entry type: A poster of an app to promote health informatics and supporting materials
Career chosen: Neuroradiologist Entry type: A computer game
Career chosen: Laundry Assistant Entry type: T-shirt poster to advertise the role of laundry assistant
Career chosen: Biomedical Scientist Entry type: A lab coat with information and objects.
There are lots more competition entries to inspire you at
LEARNING INTENTIONS FOR NEXT LESSON You will use your knowledge of NHSScotland to design a job advertisement to appeal to young people
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