Aquatics welding
Career Description Aquatic welding is mostly done on the coast and Great Lakes Underwater welders weld ships oil rigs and even for NASA There are a lot of other stuff they do to like using ROVs (remote operated vehicles).
Five of my personal strengths are Hard worker I do the job right the first time I like to keep working Team player Team leader
Supporting evidence for each strength hard worker I have done flat top roofing, ranching, fast food, and I have worked a lot of jobs at IBP Never quit a job unless it comes to school
Supporting evidence for each strength I do the job right the first time, so I dont have to come back a secant time. I have done a lot of things and I have never had to go back and do it a gene.
Supporting evidence for each strength I like to keep working, I feel that if I am not working I should not get paid I dont play at work.
Supporting evidence for each strength I am a team player, I have been in FFA and in sports every year in school.
Supporting evidence for each strength I am a team leader FFA I was in charge of the haunted house for 2 years Boss can leave and know the job will jet done.
Kuders interest skills profile Outdoor/Mechanical is ranked a 99 Science/Technical is ranked a 99 Social/Personal Services is ranked a 99 Business Operation is ranked a 94 Art/Communication is ranked a 77
#1 ranked skill area is outdoor/mechanical The career I picked for outdoor/mechanical is aquatic welding
#2 ranked skill area is science/technical The career I picked is a Atmospheric and space scientist or Astronomer
#3 ranked skill area is social/personal services The career I picked is a Probation Officer I think I could help some kid that is doing the stuff I did when I was in trouble
High school opportunities toward career
Awards jr. rodeo, Wrestling State qualifier Football letter Boxing
Organizations Clubs Athletics I was a member of FFA for two years in Lexington I played football for Overton and Gibbon Wrestled for Overton and Lexington
Classes I have taken a lot of welding and tech prep classes
Career prep. Going to go to a tech school for welding Ocean engineering in Huston TX.
Program/major Class III dive master DEM (dive emergency medic) NDI (nuclear dive inspector) Work with ROVs (remote operated vehicles)
Institutions estimated yearly tuition cost Is about $45,000 that is with dive gear
Length of time to complete program If you already know who to weld then you can complete the program in 8 months full length is 12 months
Career information
Location Huston TX.
Projected salary $75/hr and up it $75 is the lowest I could find but the highest is $250/hr
Job description Underwater welding is one of the world most dangerous jobs. Some of the hazards are sharks, the bends, and drowning. You work on oil rigs, ships, pipe lines, and you can even get a job with NASA
Career skills You learn to weld underwater and on land You learn to be a underwater paramedic (DME) You are a certified diver You learn to operate ROVS
Personal contacts with in the career field I have a uncle that was an aquatic welder he retired two years ago. He told me some of the best school to try to get in he said that it pays really good.
Possible job shadow opportunities The only job shadowing I can do is in a shop. Because I dont know of any aquatic welders in Nebraska.
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