From Web Policy to EIT Standard Our Experiences So Far EIT = Electronic and Information Technology Dean Brusnighan, Purdue University
What questions do you have?
Plans Change This all sounded so good as a proposal Key ingredients of implementation plan & support strategy Hasn’t worked out as I envisioned Implementation Committee met 3 times then stopped
Today’s Road Map Previous Accessibility Policy New Accessibility Standard Challenges Successes Moving Forward Questions/Discussion
Previous Accessibility Policy Published 2010 Based on Section 508 Applied to all academic & administrative websites Why based on Section 508? Policy was submitted for approval in 2008 before WCAG 2.0 published.
Sought Improvements 2014 – committee began work to update policy Reference WCAG 2.0 Cover more than websites 2015 – draft submitted for approval
New Accessibility Standard Electronic Information, Communication and Technology Accessibility Standard A standard is like a policy Published June 2017 View the standard at:
Standard Applies to Web Instructional Materials Documents Electronic Media Software, Hardware and IT Systems Procurement/Purchases
Examples of covered items Instructional Materials Electronic syllabi, textbooks, presentations and handouts Documents University produced, maintained or distributed electronic documents
Examples of covered items 2 Software, Hardware, & IT Systems learning management, library systems, course or event registration
Minimum Requirements Web-based EIT: Non-Web EIT: Meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA Non-Web EIT: Follow WCAG2ICT Guidance WCAG2ICT = Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies
IT Accessibility Risk Statements Are you familiar with this Educause document? It is available at:
Risk Statement #1 Failure to allocate sufficient resources and authority to coordinate and implement the Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy
Biggest Challenge Living out Risk Statement #1
Challenge 2 Standard published without Implementation plan, or Ongoing support strategy
Biggest Success Procurement is all in! Including accessibility language in contracts Vendors are signing Asking vendors accessibility questions before purchase View the contract language at:
Other Successes College Engineering hired web accessibility person Anticipated announcement: All “Video Express” videos will be professionally captioned, paid by central IT
Procurement Support What led to their support? Meeting prior to standard being published Were they aware standard was coming? Answered questions Provided resources & example language
Contract Language Highlights Product/service conforms to WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA Promptly respond to and resolve any accessibility complaint Hold Purdue harmless from any accessibility claims resulting from company failure to conform
What are the vendor questions? Adapted from the University of Illinois Minimal Functional Accessibility Checklist Available in my presentation resources on conference website View the University of Illinois checklist at:
Moving Forward Units collaborating to create an implementation plan Teaching and Learning Technologies Center for Instructional Excellence Disability Resource Center Marketing and Media ADA Coordinator
Recommendations Identify unit to coordinate and implement the EIT Accessibility Policy Provide unit with resources and authority Create implementation plan before publishing policy Work with Procurement staff
Contact Dean Brusnighan Purdue University