Accepting responsibility... It’s so hard!!!
The Sprinkles... Meet John.... He's famous!
At what age does the ‘cuteness’ wear off? Parents (and teachers).... (pretty much ALL adults) start to have higher expectations of you as you get older. By middle school, the cuteness has DEFINITELY worn off! -Talk with a partner and then Tell me about a time that you lied or didn’t own up to something and you got caught.
Internal vs. External “locus of control” What does that mean? What does internal mean? What does external mean? Locus of control means ‘who’s in control of what happens?’ An external locus of control means it’s out of our hands. An internal locus of control means we take responsibility and OWN IT!
Blaming others… External locus of control... It's all YOUR fault...
Another example…. (getting pulled over)
Discussion questions... See sheet….. and discuss OWNing it!
Let’s Practice….. Statements…. There wasn’t enough time to do my homework. The teacher doesn’t like me, so of course I’m getting a bad grade. It made me angry that he was being mean to me, so I hit him. My math was really hard, so I couldn’t do it last night. I’m not friends with her anymore because she’s talking behind my back. My teacher gave me a detention. My teacher moved my seat for no reason.
take it from Nike!