Completing the documentation February 2019 Darlene Locke Extension Specialist, Youth Development
Programs for Minors Program is sponsored and operated by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension or a third party using Extension property/facilities. Program is scheduled for more than two consecutive days AND/OR it involves an overnight stay requiring full supervisory responsibility for minors. It is NOT held at the 4-H Conference Center.
Complete the Required Documentation Go to Protecting our youth on the Texas 4-H website
Complete the Required Documentation Scroll down…….to Programs for Minors section
Resources Programs for Minors Questions & Answers Texas A&M Regulation 24.01.06 Programs for Minors Quick Summary Checklist Programs for Minors Required Documentation Form Risk Assessment, Management and Insurance Matrix Accommodations Guideline for Persons with Disabilities Waiver, Indemnification, Medical Treatment Authorization
Resources, continued Authorization for Dispensing Medication Overnight Chaperone Volunteer Sample Position Description Camp Chaperone Volunteer Sample PD Texas DSHS Form EEH-28 Risk Assessment Matrix Examples Programs for Minors Scenario Examples Programs for Minors, ADA, Title IX
Complete the form Item 4. Programs for Minors Required Documentation Form Link will take you to Formsite Create New User or Returning User username/login
Texas 4-H Youth Development Programs for Minors Checklist 3 Questions Is program sponsored by Extension or a third party using Extension facilities? Is the program two or more consecutive days AND/OR does it involve overnight stay with ‘full supervisory responsibilities? Is program conducted at 4-H Conference Center? If YES to #1 and #2 and NO to #3 – Document! If YES to #3 – the 4-H Center completes form.
Program Information Program Director Title County District Program Type (AgriLife or third party) Email address Phone # Name of Program Location Beginning date Ending date Number of consecutive days (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5+) Did program have one or more overnight stays? (Y N) Number of minor participants (can be edited) Verification: were there 20 or more minors in attendance and the camp/program held for any part of four or more days, with or without an overnight stay. (Y N) If Yes, triggers verification in Section II
Required Documentation In this section and the next, the CEA or person inputting the information is verifying that the task is complete. It is the responsibility of sponsoring County/District/State Office and program/event Coordinator to maintain a system of files with supporting documentation.
Required Documentation Verified that Background checks have been completed and approved for employees and volunteers. For volunteers, access 4-H Connect In Volunteer’s profile look for ACTIVE status Volunteer Screening is Approved AgriLife employees records in HR Waiver, indemnification and medical treatment authorization forms collected prior to the start of event Template available under Protecting Our Youth on web
Required Documentation Verified that employees and volunteers have completed Child Protection Training every 2 years For AgriLife Employess, managed through TrainTrac For volunteers, access 4-H Connect In Volunteer’s profile complete a Member Report Child Protection Certificate, can also pull Volunteer Screening Certificate
Required Documentation If the Verification question in Section 1 (20+ minors and four or more days) was answered YES Fourth question becomes ‘For programs with 20-plus youth and four or more days in duration, TDSHS form EEH-28 completed within five days of start of program YES NO to verify that form was submitted If Yes, also triggers a request for the Date that form was submitted to TDSHS
Texas DSHS form EEH-28 Roster of adults completing the Child Protection Training List Employees and Volunteers Course Name: Child Protection Training Course Approval #: CPM12-0066 Submit by email to address on form
Additional Required Documentation Camp/program is approved in writing with Program Director identified – is it in your Plan of Work? Risk Assessment Matrix completed; keep 3 years ADA accommodations statement included on flyers, announcements Consult Accommodation Guidelines for Persons with Disabilities when necessary
Additional Required Documentation Authorization for Dispensing Medication forms collected for individuals requiring medication; keep 3 years While not required, a Best Management Recommendation is to collect Health Information on each participant. Information related to current health condition, recent injuries or medical procedures that might impact participation, known food or other allergies. If such forms are collected, must have a system to maintain confidentiality.
Additional Required Documentation General liability and accident medical insurance secured If participants are all active 4-H members or volunteers, covered under 4-H Inc for general liability and American Income Life (AIL) 4-H accident/medical policy If program open to public may want to purchase additional AIL (or other vendor) insurance after completing risk assessment matrix Texas 4-H Fast Facts Insurance document provides additional detail
Additional Required Documentation Adequate chaperone/youth (1:8) ratio ensured for duration of event with chaperones also representing the gender of participants. Volunteer Camp/Program Chaperone and/or Overnight Chaperone position description distributed sample position description on web; adjust as needed Chaperone orientation and review of duties conducted
Additional Required Documentation Procedures are in place to prohibit communication, including by social media, between minors and counselors; outside of official communication for the program for minors. Can be included in orientation, needs to be documented Procedures are in place for reporting suspected abuse/molestation of minors. All Texas A&M AgriLife employees complete CPT where this is discussed; Volunteers also complete CPT
Additional Required Documentation Validation: Did this camp/program comply with all requirements of Texas A&M System Regulation 24.01.06 Answering YES to this question confirms that all tasks have bee completed and that accompanying documentation is available if requested. Also confirms that records are maintained for the number of years required.
Commitment Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program are committed to ensuring a safe environment for youth and volunteers. Part of that commitment is documenting that programs are in compliance with Texas A&M System Regulation 24.01.06 Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Dr. Darlene Locke, Extension Specialist Youth Development at