9/7 Objective: Students will be able to identify the Minoan civilization by applying the formula for the 5 themes of civilization.
Daily Life Was there division of Labor, what types? What did the children do? Were Male and Female activities different? Were there Leisure activities? What kind? Was there a common language?
Geography Location, Location, where is it? Seas, land masses? What was the terrain like? What food sources did they have? What was the climate like, how did it effect culture?
Government What type(s) of government developed? Was there a social pyramid, or status? What was the economy based on? What were the laws like? What were citizens rights like? Were men and women equal?
Technology Was the technology focused on art or war? What types of technology were used? Was there a writing system? How did they influence other civilizations and vice versa?
Religion/Beliefs Were they poly or monotheistic? How did the gods shape daily life/morals? How was religion practiced? How did it shape government and relations with other cultures?
Apply the themes: What type of GO would you use to identify the Minoan civilization? In your team decide which GO works best, then everyone create one in your notes and complete it. Academic use textbook pg 208 Gifted use textbook pg 208 and classroom resource-Perspectives in the Past pgs 103-105 Can you create a pneumonic for the themes?