Cheshire West and Chester SEN Team Autumn 2018
Who are we? Debbie Steele- Senior Manager SEN Jon Lear, SEN Manager (EY/Primary/Secondary- Northwich/Winsford/Vale Royal) Michelle Raynor and Cath Shaw, SEN Advisory Officers (EY/Primary/Secondary- Northwich/Winsford/Vale Royal) Diane Hughes, SEN Manager (EY/Primary/Secondary- Neston/Ellesmere Port/Chester) Tracy Rimmer and Alison Robinson SEN Advisory Officers (EY/Primary/Secondary- Neston/Ellesmere Port/Chester) Paul Arista SEN Manager Post 16 Joe Rooney SEN Advisory Officer Post 16 Susie Clark SEN Advisory Officer Post 16 Mark Nixon SEN Manager EHCP Jen Hughes SEN Policy and Performance Officer Lorraine Jeffries Team Leader SEN Louise Prophet, Vicky Wylie, Kate Greenwood, Rose Henry, Nicole Mellor- SEN Caseworkers Abigail Ryan and Adam Williams -EHCP writers
What are we proud of? Following the introduction of the Children and Families Bill 2014 we successfully transferred all of our statements into Education Health and Care Plans within the tight timescales set. We have a higher rate of completion than England and the North West of EHCP’s completed within the 20 week timescale. We work exceptionally hard alongside our partner agencies to find resolutions in sometimes challenging circumstances, towards achieving the best outcomes for our children and young people with Special Educational Needs.
What would we like to improve? The quality of our EHCP’s through the annual review process Expand our current ‘Banding document to support pupils with SEN in mainstream schools’ into 0-25 inclusion criteria, refresh the application and review process and produce guidance in the form of a ‘Toolkit’ for all age phases. Co-production in all we do. An increase in Parental confidence An increase in mainstream opportunities for attendance and inclusion for CWAC pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Greater support for children and young people around transition