Of the Catholic Church
What is a Sacrament? A sacrament is an efficacious sign/symbol of God’s grace. Efficacious means that what the sacrament is said to do, it actually does(Example: Baptism really does remove original sin). A sign/symbol is a physical reminder of an invisible reality A grace is something that God gives us. A sacrament is instituted or created by Jesus in the gospels (Example: At the Last Supper Jesus tells the apostles to do this in memory of me).
How many sacraments are there? The Catholic Church and Orthodox Church have 7 sacraments. Protestant Churches generally have 2 sacraments (Baptism and Eucharist). This is because Protestant Churches rely heavily upon the Scripture and less on tradition. Scripture very clearly shows Jesus instituting Eucharist (at the Last Supper) and Baptism (when he says “Go and baptize the nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”). However, Scripture does not show the other 5 sacraments as clearly. For example, Jesus never says “Go and marry people”.
Why do we have sacraments? We are physical creatures and we learn and experience best through our senses. Hence, it is easy to have a relationship with a human being because you can see them and hear them and touch them but it is harder to have a relationship with God because it is harder to see and hear and touch God as God is not physical. The sacraments help us get in touch with God by providing physical signs of God’s presence. Thus, sacraments are for OUR benefit. The water of baptism makes it clear that our sins are washed away. The bread and wine are tangible means of showing that Jesus is present with us. Sacraments help us experience God.
What are the sacraments? Sacraments of Initiation Baptism Eucharist Confirmation Sacraments of Healing Reconciliation Anointing of the Sick Sacraments of Service Holy Orders Holy Matrimony/Marriage
Baptism What: Removes original sin and makes a person a part of the Christian Church Sign: Water Who can baptize: Normally a priest or deacon. However, in case of an emergency, anyone can baptize a person. One common Christian baptism: The Christian Church is one. Thus, if you are baptized Catholic and want to be Lutheran, you do not need to get re-baptized. If you are baptized Methodist and want to be Catholic, you do not need to get baptized again. According to Catholic teaching, salvation/heaven is open to everyone. You do not HAVE to be baptized to go to heaven.
Eucharist What: “Thanksgiving” and celebration of Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Sign: Bread and Wine (or grape juice for some non-Catholic churches) Who: Only a priest or higher Catholic: Transubstantiation→ The bread and wine actually change into the body and blood. It is not a symbol but the real body and blood (this is why you must be Catholic to receive communion in a Catholic Church). Protestant: The bread and wine are symbols of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Confirmation What: The seal of the Holy Spirit and mark of full participation in the Church. Sign: Oil and laying on of hands Who: Ordinarily a bishop (unless bishop gives permission to priest). When: Depends on where you are in the world. In the U.S., this is usually held until a person is between 12 and 18 years old, but each country has its own tradition.
Reconciliation What: The forgiveness of sins and the fixing of the relationship between God and the person that was broken by that sin. Who: Priest (or higher) Sign: Our confession and the priest’s words of absolution Who forgives the sins: God forgives the sins. The priest is a physical sign that we are forgiven by God. The priest does not forgive our sins. Catholics supposed to go 1 time a year. Reconciliation is a better name because it is about our relationship with God. Penance suggests it is about punishment but it is not about punishment.
Anointing of the Sick What: The physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental healing of a person who is sick or suffering in some way (not just for those who are dying). Who: Priest (or above) Sign: Oil and the laying on of hands This used to be called “Last Rites” but this suggests that the sacrament is just for those who are already dying. The sacrament is for the living, and can be received as many times as necessary throughout one's life.
Holy Matrimony What: A man and woman become united into 1 as husband and wife and become a sign of God’s love for the world. Who: The couple marries themselves. The priest is just a witness. Sign: The exchange of vows and the rings.
HOly Orders What: Makes a man into a priest, giving them the grace/strength to act in the person of Christ. Sign: Laying on of hands Who: Only a bishop Who can become a priest? In the Catholic Church, only men. Celibacy: Catholic priests vow to NOT marry and to live chastely (no affairs). However, a married man with kids can become a priest if he is already married when he decides to enter the seminary.