INTRODUCTION Role of the Pastor “I wasn’t ordained for this.” “Justice in the Church Workplace” (National Association of Church Personnel Administrators- NACPA) This workshop is primarily about infrastructure of parish human resources but always refers back to leadership of people. Leadership of people skills are a lifelong endeavor. My retirement liturgy Pastor sets tone in culture, style, spirituality, liturgy, care for people, care for facilities, care for staff and volunteers Pastor change process at St Clement from the perspective of the parishioner Pastor change process from the perspective of the new pastor and former pastor This workshop is more of a “how” workshop. My role is more about the “why’.
SCRIPTURE AND ADMINISTRATION Corinthians list of charisms Cf. Donald Senior, The Gift of Administration
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Rerum Novarum (1891, Pope Leo XIII) Laborem Exercens (1981, Pope John Paul) USCCB Pastoral on Economics Leadership Roundtable, Standards for Excellence
Rerum Novarum Revolution Plight of workers Fair wages Safe working conditions Protections for child workers Time off on Sundays
THERE ARE FOUR KEY PRINCIPLES ON LABOR FROM RERUM NOVARUM TO THE PRESENT TIME: Work must reflect the value and dignity of the human person. While standing for and supporting the value of the individual person, institutions and individual wWorkers also focus on the larger society to promote the common good as well.
RERUM NOVARUM “The active participation of everyone in the running of the enterprise should be promoted.” Gaudium et Spes, 68. The key concept is the full involvement and participation of workers in the organization’s mission.
RERUM NOVARUM Throughout its social teaching, the church has valued justice in the workplace. At important points in that history, the church has applied the standards of justice to its own workplace.
Laborem Exercens Written to honor 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum Reiterated the principles of Rerum Novarum Focused on the dignity of the worker. Work is for the good of the worker Work must promote the common good. Active participation of workers in decisions which affect them to the extent possible.
USCCB PASTORAL ON ECONOMICS Principles of best practices in the labor market also apply to the Church.
Standards for Excellence Code A model for Catholic dioceses to implement ethical and accountable practices A framework with a clear statement of the diocese’s commitment to best practices A self-regulatory tool to ensure public confidence and public support A demonstration of the diocese’s commitment to the common good
Standards Content A blueprint for well managed and responsibly governed Catholic dioceses Conforms with canon law as well as applicable local, state, and federal laws. Eight (8) Guiding Principles: Mission and Program Governance and Advisory Bodies Conflict of Interest Human Resources Financial and Legal Openness Fundraising Public Policy and Public Affairs Fifty-five (55) Standards - more detailed performance benchmarks that will enable Catholic dioceses to strengthen their operations. Three different versions of the code – one for dioceses, one for parishes, one for Catholic nonprofits Going beyond mere compliance with the letter of the law – this level of expectation is because it is “the right thing to do.”
COMPREHENSIVE PERSONNEL SYSTEMS (per NACPA) Recruitment/Screening Training/Supervising Placement: Utilization and distribution Compensation and Benefits Performance Evaluation Career development Crisis intervention
Participative workplace greatly enhances the effectiveness of of our Church mission. We believe in the dignity of the human person. Therefore, we believe in the dignity of human work and the role each person plays as a significant contributor to work and mission.
FOR DISCUSSION: What has been your best /worst experience as a member of a staff? Describe your best “boss” and your worst “boss.” Describe your best and worst experience as a supervisor of staff, if you have had such an experience.