Category of Workers
A. Three eras of Employment 1. Before 1850’s: farming jobs dominated 1850’s-1950s: factory or manufacturing jobs dominated 1950s – present: service jobs dominate (not an object/useful labor)
There are fewer jobs today in farming and manufacturing because…. (1)
Category of Workers Level of Education Pay Rate Availability of Perks Level of Education Pay Rate Availability of Perks % of the Workforce 3 Examples Unskilled Worker Semiskilled Skilled Professional
B. Four CATEGORIES OF WORKERS 1. Unskilled High school or no high school education Minimum wage benefits, paid vacation or retirement rare 19% Manual labor: field work, factory line, hotel cleaning
2.Semi-skilled High school education + specialized skills A bit higher than minimum wage $12.00-$15.00+ benefits, paid vacation or retirement rare 17% Forklift driver, office clerk, check out clerk
3. Skilled 6-24 months of education/training Hourly or monthly salary $20/hr. or $3,200/month + Benefits and paid vacation a possibility, Retirement maybe 35% Mechanic, certified nurses assistant, plumber, electrician, computer technician
4. Professional 4 years college or more Annual salary: $45,000/year or more Benefits, vacation and retirement normally guaranteed 29% Teacher, doctor, lawyer, computer engineer
What category of worker should all high school graduates try to attain
C. Contingent Worker: Part-Time Worker 1. Advantages for employee: a.flexible hours b.possible better pay 2. Advantages for employer: a. Flexible hours b. lack benefits or perks c. Easy discharge