Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, AMSTERDAM Year of a Bountiful Harvest Sunday Worship Service 25 January 2019
THE SECURITY OF BIBLE BELIEVERS – Matthew 7:24-27 God’s word is a sure security for all His separated saints!
KEY THOUGHT Security is a state of being free from danger or threat KEY THOUGHT Security is a state of being free from danger or threat. There is factual security – the provision made to secure a person or property. There is also the feeling of being secure – the confidence one has in the security which will influence one’s behaviour. God’s word is our absolute security. Our faith therein determines our rest both for now and for eternity!
FOUNDATION AND PROFIT OF BELIEVERS’ SECURITY Divine security is absolute, concrete and unfailing. What does it entail? protection from all evil: 1 Kings 5:4 assurance of provision: Ps 23:1-6 hope for sinners: Isa 66:2 salvation through faith: Jn 5:24 strength to do exploits: Josh 1:8 settlement in God’s promise: Rom 4:21 shield against temptations: Ps 119:11 conviction in God’s power: 2 Tim 1:12 Base your faith on God’s word! “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8 (KJV) ”
FAITH AND PERSEVERANCE IN BIBLICAL SECURITY Faith in God’s word connects us to His security: It enables us to make the right choice: Gen 12:6-7; 13:8-9; 14:18-20, 21-23 It energises prayer: Ex 34:6-7; 32:13 It turns the written word to reality: Heb. 11:1-3;13,14,17-19,22,35 It shifts our attention to God: Ps 20:7-8 Those who do not believe God’s word cannot be established in His security!
FOLLOWING THE PRECEPTS FOR BOUNDLESS SECURITY What are the steps to developing the faith for total security? let God’s word dwell in you: Col 3:16 hear God’s word: Lk 10:38-42 meditate and give yourself wholly to God’s word: I Tim 4:15-16 consistently pray God’s word into your life: Jude 20, II Sam 7:25 Total security belongs to those who make God’s word their anchor. Start investing in God word today! ”