Think, pair, Share The paradox of the stone Can God make a stone that is too heavy for him to lift? Discuss in pairs.
The Nature of God
Learning Outcomes To be able to use keywords to describe Christian beliefs about God To be able to explain why Christians think that God shows these attributes. To able to evaluate your own views on what attributes God may have.
Qualities of God According to traditional theism, God stands apart from the universe and is transcendental – beyond the realms of time and space. The divine attributes include the following concepts: 1. Omnipotence – God is all-powerful, capable of anything 2. Omniscience – God is all-knowing, he is knowledgeable of everything 3. Omnipresence – God is everywhere, he is present in all situations at all times 4. Omni benevolence – God is all-loving, he shares his infinite love with creation
Complete the worksheet by describing each attribute of God in your own words…
Attributes of God Research and complete the worksheet on the attributes of God. What does key word mean and why do Christians believe it? Stretch yourself task: Pick one attribute of God evaluate any issues it raises e.g. if God is omniscient why does he not answer prayers etc.
Can God really be like this? Christians may argue that God’s attributes make sense because it describes the believers’ experience of God and it also agrees with what is written in the bible. However some people may wish to evaluate if there are any problems with saying God has all these qualities.
Do these attributes work together? What do you understand God to be… Go to and have a go at ‘Battleground God’! Think, pair, share A: Describe one attribute of God. B: Describe one attribute of God. A: Explain a potential issue with your attribute. B: Explain a potential issue with your attribute.
The problem? A religious believer may argue that these terms regarding God’s attributes make sense because it adequately describes the believers’ experience of a personal relationship with God and this has been the tradition of the Church for 2000 years. A philosopher wishes to examine the logical coherency of these attributes. In other words, does God’s omniscience clash with God’s omnibenevolence?
Can God be all-knowing and we still have free will? The problem... Can God be all-knowing and we still have free will? Or ‘If God knows that I will eat cornflakes for breakfast tomorrow, am I free to have toast instead?’
Boethius sees that this produces several problems: Boethius (480-525ce) He observed that what the omniscient God foresees in the future must happen. Whether it happens because he sees it or because it will happen is irrelevant . God may not directly cause our actions but, in seeing them, they become necessary and we cannot do otherwise. Boethius sees that this produces several problems: Pointless to punish people If actions are foreseen and not prevented does this make God responsible? No point in prayer
For each attribute of God evaluate the potential issues it raises. The problems? For each attribute of God evaluate the potential issues it raises. Attribute of God The issues Omnipotent Omniscient Omnibenevolent Omnipresent Creator Judge Stretch yourself task: For each attribute consider how a Christian may justify their belief. How would they argue against the issues? Top philosopher: How does Boethius try to solve his problem?
Keyword bingo Key words: Omnipotent Omniscient Omnibenevolent Omnipresent Father Judge Creator