Global Business Brigades Introduce ourselves and positions
Ice Breaker Let’s get to know one another, everyone come to the front! Autumn
Who Are We? An International movement of students and professionals building economic opportunities in the developing world. An international organization that works to create financial opportunities in remote, rural, and under resourced areas of Honduras, Panama, and Ghana. GBB partners with Deloitte, one of the Big Four accounting organizations. Deloitte consultants accompany us on the brigade in order to provide business guidance and career insight for brigaders. Lindsay
What Do We Do? Strengthen Community-Owned Banks Provide capacity building workshops. Help to add member accounts and ensure high repayment rates on loans. Teach Financial Literacy Provide financial planning workshops. Increase financial literacy around a culture of savings and prudent borrowing and help create repayment plans. Consult Small Businesses Identify opportunities for increased income and resolve financial challenges of small, rural businesses. Help small businesses decide on the feasibility of utilizing low-interest loans or creating a savings strategy to reach their economic goals. Provide Capital For Loans Raise $1,500 during the year which is then directly invested to capitalize the community bank. Lindsay
Why Should You Join? Increase your financial knowledge by helping first hand with small businesses and community banks. Have the ability to help communities in rural areas while being exposed to new cultures and ideas. Have the opportunity to shadow Deloitte consultants. Lindsay
Becoming A Member: Dues: Meetings: Events: Dues are $20 and cover a T-shirt, membership, and end of year banquet. Meetings: Attendance at meetings are mandatory. Excused absences should be sent to at least 24 hours in advance. You can miss up to 3 meetings without needing an excused absence. Events: Events will be posted on the website and emailed in bi weekly emails. You must participate in at least 10 hours worth of events to receive your t shirt. Carowinds participation is a requirement. Autumn
Carowinds Each member must participate in at least one Carowinds date: Saturday, September 22,2018 2pm- 10pm Saturday, September 22,2018 4pm- 11pm Sunday, October 21,2018 4pm-12pm Each member will receive one Carowinds admission ticket and one food voucher to use while in the park. Autumn
What Is the Potluck System: The Potluck System is a way to earn money for the brigade! The top 4 members with the highest number of volunteer hours will be eligible for the Potluck System. To qualify for the Potluck members must pay membership dues ($20.00), complete at least one Carowinds date, and fulfill the 10 hour minimum volunteer requirement. Members who qualify but can not go on the trip can save their reward for a future brigade. Autumn
Open Exec Board Positions Secretary: Writing weekly emails Writing meeting minutes Keeping track of membership attendance Booking room reservations for all GBB meetings Manage all pre-brigade information (membership requirements, passport numbers, medical information, full names, etc). Financial Chair: Manage finances and budgeting for events. Includes keeping track of donations, member dues, and brigaders fees. Implement a system to keep track of finances (ex. Excel). Work with the GMB fundraising chair in order to schedule events. Applications will be sent out in our next biweekly email. Applications are due by September 21st at 6pm.
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