EL Access to Rigorous Coursework Districts can use Title III funds for: “Offering early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment programs or courses designed to help English learners achieve success in postsecondary education.” ESEA Title III Sec. 3115 (d)(8) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Who is eligible? Title III funds can be used to support eligible students only: English Learners: A link to the Guidelines for Title III for English Language learners Title III-eligible Native American students: A link to guidelines for Title-III eligible Native American students Student's primary language not English Language proficiency placement test within 10 days: Emerging, Progressing Student is identified as an English learner OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Supplement Not Supplant Title III funds must supplement not supplant other federal, state and local funds. Use Title III for activities that: Meet the intent and purpose of the program: Supporting English learners. In the absence of Title III, are not currently funded through other federal, state, and local funds. Are included in the district’s Title III grant application. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Title III can support (for eligible students): Costs associated with taking AP classes, IB classes, college-in-the-high- school classes, and dual/concurrent enrollment programs that, in the absence of Title III funds, students may be required to pay out of pocket and for which other state/local/federal funding is not available, such as: Test fees Registration fees Books Study Guides Supplemental materials that will support success in such classes Transportation Additional guidance, refer to: A link to more Title III guidelines for English Language learners, pg. 14. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Title III can support (for eligible students): Additional instructional support to promote academic success in these classes, such as tutoring or support from a high school EL advocate. The cost of providing supplemental dual/concurrent enrollment programs or college-in-the-high-school classes, including the teacher’s salary, for courses that are designed specifically to improve EL access to rigorous coursework. Family engagement efforts related to access to rigorous coursework. Additional guidance, refer to: A link to more guidance on ESSA Title III guidelines, pg. 14. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
What do I need to do? Meet with your school’s EL teacher and your district’s EL program director. Discuss the strengths and needs of EL students in your school. Collaborate to include support for ELs to participate in dual credit opportunities in your district’s Title III application. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program Dual Credit Services to Migrant Students OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Who is eligible under MEP? MIGRATORY CHILD The child is younger than age 22. The child is eligible for a free public education under State law. Made a qualifying move with or to join a migratory worker within the past 36 months. OR Made a qualifying move on own as a migratory worker. QUALIFYING MOVE Move is due to economic necessity. Move is from one school district to another school district. Move is from one residence to another residence. QUALIFYING WORK Work is Temporary or Seasonal. Work is in the Agricultural or Fishing industries. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
MEP can supplement: -Costs associated with participating in higher education programs (i.e. Running Start, college in the high school) which leads to a high school diploma: Required text books Transportation Assessment fees School supplies OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
How to access funds Contact- Federal Program Director who is responsible for local migrant program Refer to Migrant Student List to ensure eligibility Discuss needs of student Develop a plan of action to meet student needs OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
Does my district receive Title III or Migrant funds? Funding amounts are posted online! A link to iGrants available at OSPI OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019
What if the student is eligible for both Title III and the Migrant Education Programs? Use Title III funds first. Migrant: Use Migrant funds to address needs not already met through Title III. Support Migrant students who are not eligible for Title III. Discuss dual credit opportunities at Parent Advisory Committee meetings. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4/6/2019