SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE SEVEN – THE MIDDLE EAST What are the main physical features of the Middle East? Judaism Geography The Middle East Religion Similarities and differences How do natural resources cause conflict and cooperation? Christianity Solutions to problems? Islam Current Issues in the Middle East/Poster Presentation Project Importance of water and oil Response of US and/or UN Religion as a cause of conflict Major conflicts in Middle East today Factors contributing to the events on 9/11/2001 Essential Understandings/Concepts: CT.CK.1.1.1. Evaluate the impact of interactions between the United States and other countries/areas worldwide. CT.CK.1.3.6. Analyze how specific individuals and their ideas and beliefs influenced world history. CT.CK.1.3.7. Evaluate the cultural contributions of a variety of past and present civilizations. CT.CK.1.3.8. Analyze how cultural differences sometimes contributed to conflict among civilizations or nations. CT.CK.1.4.9. Identify selected countries and determine the advantages and challenges created by their geography. CT.CK.1.4.10. Examine geographic factors that help explain historical events and contemporary issues. CT.CK.1.6.14. Assess how ideas/religions affected migration in different regions (e.g. Crusades, South African trek, founding of Israel). CT.CK.1.10.21. Analyze how resources or lack of resources influenced a nation/region’s development (e.g. diversification vs. one-crop economies). CT.CK.1.12.24. Identify economic resources in the world and analyze their relationship to international trade. CT.CK.1.13.26. Compare similarities and differences of cultural groups in different world regions (e.g. beliefs, values, traditions, institutions). CT.CK.1.13.27. Analyze the relationship among culture, government and social systems in various countries. CT.CK.1.13.28. Recognize how values, beliefs and attitudes develop in different cultures. Vocabulary: Arab Islam Muslim Jewish Christianity Temple Mosque Sunni Shiite Koran Torah Bible Arabic Sect Fundamentalist Shabbat Hebrew Pope Old Testament Monotheism New Testament Mohammad Jesus Christ Abraham Jerusalem Holy Trinity Pilgrimage Mecca Jerusalem Theocracy Petroleum Desalination Potable OPEC Al-Qaeda Hydrologic cycle Westernized Taliban Terrorism 9/11 Iraq War Homeland Diaspora West Bank Gaza Strip Shah Ayatollah Secular Human rights Judaism Irrigation Drought Refugee Arabian Peninsula Renewal resource natural resources Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Non-renewable resources