Special Topics Round Table Discussions Preparing NIH Data Tables 5,1 Training Grant Special Topics Round Table Discussions Preparing NIH Data Tables 5,1 Table 5: Publications of those in Training Table 1: Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs Thurs August 9, 2018 Jessica Schwartz (jeschwar@umich.edu)
Suggested Timeline for NIH Training Grant Preparation - 1 Standard T32 deadlines: Jan 25, May 25, Sept 25 UMich recommends applying 1.5-2 yr before end of current funding cycle. One year ahead - Review NIH Instructions for preparing Institutional Training Grants and Data Tables Contact alumni if you haven’t maintained regular contact (15 yr) – get cv: need current position, funding, publications Remind faculty and trainees about upcoming renewal – participation is important One year – six months ahead (start early - can update if necessary before submission) Update Participating Faculty list in M-FACTIR and xTRACT. (New application - initiate PAF first). Contact Participating Departments for Program-specific data on trainees and applicants. Send faculty their individual M-FACTIR profiles for updates, including trainee mentoring. Six months ahead Enter/update Program-specific data in M-FACTIR. Fill in gaps in Program-specific data. Review and confirm institutional data in M-FACTIR. Use Pub-Med to compile trainee publications (via xTRACT). Confirm with trainees and mentors.
Suggested Timeline for NIH Training Grant Preparation - 2 Three – six months ahead PI / TG Directors draft text for Research Training Plan, Diversity, RCR, Rigor, Progress Report. Collect faculty biosketches – update in current biosketch format Personal statement can include information on mentoring experience and mentoring activities Collect trainee research progress statements, publications, awards for Progress Report. Transfer data into xTRACT from M-FACTIR reports. Review draft tables as xTRACT pdfs. Fill in gaps in Program-specific data. Prepare Budget and Budget Justification Collect letters of support, other supporting documents One-three months ahead Complete data tables via M-FACTIR and xTRACT adjust table formats as needed - final xTRACT PDFs are attached to application submit Administrative shell, including table drafts and letters of support, to Administration Review and finalize text – be sure text is consistent with tables
Resources for Training Grant Preparation For links see: Website of the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) at www.ogps.med.umich.edu [Navigate: Faculty & Staff> Faculty> Training Grants]. Resources at NIH NIH Instructions NIH Tables NIH Commons x-TRACT Your Program Director Resources at University of Michigan M-FACTIR Documentation & Workshops M-FACTIR (for access: help.med.umich.edu or (734) 936-8000) M-FACTIR FAQ Email Lists: T32Admin@umich.edu T32Directors@umich.edu NIGMST32@umich.edu Office of Training Grant Support Director: Jessica Schwartz (jeschwar) Advice and Review of Training Grant text or Data Tables in preparation (start three months before submission deadline)
NIH SF424 forms: Institutional Training Grant Instructions What is involved in preparing a training grant application? NIH SF424 forms: Institutional Training Grant Instructions https://grants.nih.gov/grants/how-to-apply-application-guide/forms-d/training-forms-d.pdf Instructions for Data Tables: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/data-tables.htm
Table 5 Publications of Those in Training Part 5A – Predoctoral NIH T32 Data Tables Table 5 Publications of Those in Training Part 5A – Predoctoral Part 5B – Postdoctoral
Table 5. Publications of Those in Training Part 5A – Predoctoral Part 5B – Postdoctoral NIH sample table Table 5 Rationale This information provides an indicator of the ability of each faculty member to foster trainee productivity through generation of publishable results and allows assessment of the research quality and authorship priority of trainees. JS
Table 5. Publications of Those in Training Part 5A – Predoctoral Part 5B – Postdoctoral Organized by faculty member, then by trainee in this Program. Trainees for past 10 years and all current trainees (even if no pubs) NIH sample table Relate data to text: Summarize these data in the body of the application, including, for example, the average number of publications, how many students published as first author, and how many students completed doctoral training without any first-author publication resulting from their graduate research. JS
PubMed Tool for finding publications https://www.lib.umich.edu/database/pubmed-u-m-mget-it-links PubMed indexes over 4,000 biomedical, nursing, dentistry and related journals, with over 27 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE and related databases. PubMed is produced by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and provides links between article citations and relevant data in other NCBI ENTREZ databases, including Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures, Complete Genomes, Taxonomy, and others.
NIH Guidelines for whom to include in listing Table 5. Publications of Those in Training: 5A Predoctoral. 5B Postdoctoral NIH Guidelines for whom to include in listing For each predoctoral or postdoctoral trainee, list the following: Faculty Member. Sort trainees by faculty member. List each faculty member in the format Last Name, First Name and MI. Trainee Name. List each student in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial. New applications. For each participating faculty member in a new application, list all publications of representative, previous predoctorates from the last 10 years and all current predoctorates (A) or postdoctorates (B). Only include individuals who would have been eligible for appointment to this training program. Exclude individuals undertaking short-term (12 week or less) training experiences with a faculty member. Renewal/revision applications. For each participating faculty member in a renewal/revision application, list the publications of trainees appointed to the training grant, including all current trainees and those appointed to the grant for up to the past 10 years, with the exception of those appointed to short-term training positions. Past or Current Trainee. For each faculty member, list past students first and then current trainees. Indicate whether each trainee is past or current. Sort each group by their year of entry into the graduate program. Training Period. Predoctoral: For past students, indicate the year that each student enrolled in the degree-granting program and the year they completed or left the degree-granting program, in the format YYYY-YYYY. For current students, report the year of enrollment and indicate that training is underway by using the format YYYY-Present. Postdoctoral: Indicate the year that postdoctorates entered into training with the current faculty member or in association with the program and the year they completed or left the training program, in the format YYYY-YYYY. For current postdoctorates, report the year they started the program or began working with the current faculty member and indicate that training is still underway by using the format YYYY-Present.
NIH Guidelines for listing trainee publications Table 5A. Publications of Those in Training: Predoctoral NIH Guidelines for listing trainee publications Format: Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages). List publications in chronological order, followed by abstract-only publications. List all publications of students resulting from their period of training in the participating faculty member’s laboratory or in association with the current training program, through completion of their degree. Do not list publications resulting from work done prior to entering the training program or arising from research initiated after the completion of the program. List abstract-only publications only if a peer-reviewed publication has not appeared and label these clearly as abstracts. Boldface the student’s name in the author list. For students without a publication, indicate “No Publications.” Provide one of the following explanatory phrases: new entrant, leave of absence, change of research supervisor, left program, other.
Trainee Publications: format What publications to include: Published, accepted or submitted peer-reviewed work as a trainee in this Program. Include review articles. List abstracts only if there are no peer-reviewed publications during training, and label these as abstracts. This format is required, in order: All Authors in publication order (trainee’s name bolded) Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages, PubMed Central ID (PMCID if there is one). List publications in chronological order (oldest to newest). Examples: Miter, M.H., Owens, R., Thompson, P., and Berg, L., 2004, Insulin Treatment of Diabetic Rats, J Comp Neurol, 373:350-378, PMCID: PMC1234567. Smith, B. and Neustaff, 2014, Preliminary x-ray crystal structure of beta-adrenergic receptor. Biophysical J., Abstract. RK, LK
Access xTRACT via NIH Commons Tools for preparing training grant applications NIH xTRACT Extramural Trainee Reporting And Career Tracking Electronic system for creating research training data tables and storing the information for trainee career tracking. Access xTRACT via NIH Commons PubMed is linked to xTRACT
Guidelines for finding and entering Publications directly via xTRACT To get a publication attached to a trainee (which then shows up in the generated Table 5 in xTRACT): 1. Login to xTRACT, and select your RTD (grant) 2. Select the ‘Participating Students’ section on the left sidebar 3. Add a student via the ‘Add Student’ button 4. Once s/he appears in the Students table on the Participating Students page, click the ‘Edit’ button on that row 5. On the Participating Student detail page, click into the last subsection (Publications) 6. Click the ‘Add Publications’ button 7. Search for a Faculty Member (this is the student’s mentor): example “Robert Fuller”, and add that person 8. On the next step, search for a publication or enter the details manually 9. Click ‘Review & Confirm’, then ‘Add’ 10. You should see the newly added publication in the Publications of the Participating Student detail page 11. Click Preview PDF in the left sidebar - that publication you added should show up in Table 5, for that trainee. MD
Guidelines for manually preparing Publications for NIH Table 5 Search PubMed with trainee and mentor names Search in PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/) Search for the last name and first initial (of the trainee) and the last name and first initial (of the mentor) Assemble list of publications for each trainee Adjust from PubMed format to NIH format (required) Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages Make sure the PMICD: PMC number is listed at the end of the publication which can be found in pubmed TRANSFER PUBLICATIONS MANUALLY TO TABLE TEMPLATE Copy and paste publications lists into the table template (in adjusted format) Sort publications by faculty member, List past students first and then current students. Sort each group by their year of entry into the graduate program. Publications are listed in chronological order (oldest to newest) Report only on any publications that have resulted from work done while in the program (nothing from previous jobs, no undergrad publications are to be included) For any student without a publication, indicate ‘No Publications’ – provide a reason as to why You also have to report on any trainee who has left the program. LK
Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs NIH T32 Data Tables Table 1 Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs PART I – PREDOCTORAL PART II - POSTDOCTORAL
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs
FACULTY AND TRAINEE INFORMATION RESOURCES Tools for Training Grant preparation M-FACTIR FACULTY AND TRAINEE INFORMATION RESOURCES A comprehensive database of information for UM Training Programs https://www.umms.med.umich.edu/mfactir/
Access xTRACT via NIH Commons Tools for preparing training grant applications NIH xTRACT Extramural Trainee Reporting And Career Tracking Electronic system for creating research training data tables and storing the information for trainee career tracking. Access xTRACT via NIH Commons
Sequence for Training Grant Preparation DATA ENTRY DATA OUTPUT A. Initiate PAF (eResearch) F. Open Reports Depts ,Fac, Trainees, Applicants G. Generate Data Tables B. Open M-FACTIR C. Enter Participating Faculty xTRACT Manual 1. Transfer data TG DATA MART D. Enter Program-Specific Data 2. Tables E. Institutional Data – auto entry Depts, Appointed trainees, Fac profiles, Applicants H. Attach tables as pdf
M-FACTIR Output Reports Faculty Profile (Tables 2,3,4) Faculty Upload (for xTRACT). Faculty Research Funding (Table 4) Training Grant Participants (Faculty, Appointed Trainees, Clearly Assoc Trainees) Department/Program Data (Table 1) Faculty and their Trainees by Department (Details for Dept/Program Data report) Trainee Profile (Table 8) Trainee Upload (for xTRACT) Applicants and Entrants (Table 6) Program Statistics (Tables 7 & 8)
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs. NIH Instructions (p 1) Part I. Predoctorates For the current academic year, provide the total number of faculty members, predoctorates, and postdoctorates in each participating department and interdepartmental program, regardless of whether this is a predoctoral or postdoctoral program application. Faculty members should be counted more than once if they participate in a departmental as well as an interdepartmental program(s). Predoctorates and postdoctorates should be counted only once and in association with a single department or interdepartmental program. For each participating department, division, or interdepartmental program enter the following counts for the current academic year: Participating Department or Program. List the name of the Department, Division, or Interdepartmental Program. Total Faculty. Provide the total number of current faculty members. In the Total row, count each faculty member only once and enter, in bold font, the total number of unique faculty members across the participating departments and interdepartmental programs. Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of faculty members who will participate in the proposed training program. In the Total row, count each faculty member only once and enter, in bold font, the total number of unique participating faculty members across the participating departments and interdepartmental programs. (Where faculty members are included in the counts for both a department and a program, or have appointments in more than one participating department, the total number of unique faculty will be less than the sum across participating departments and programs.)
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs. NIH Instructions (p2) Total Predoctorates. Enter the total number of predoctorates. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of predoctorates for this column. Total Predoctorates Supported by any HHS Award. Provide the total number of predoctorates who are currently supported by any HHS training award (e.g., NIH T32, T90/R90, F30, F31, AHRQ T32, CDC T03). In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of predoctorates for this column. Total Predoctorates with Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of predoctorates with those faculty who are participating in the proposed training program. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of predoctorates for this column. Eligible Predoctorates with Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of predoctorates who are with participating faculty, and who are eligible for support under the proposed award. In most cases (i.e., a T32 application), this number will reflect students who are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or permanent residents. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of predoctorates for this column. Training Grant Eligible (TGE) Predoctorates Supported by this Training Grant (Renewals, Revisions Only). If this is a renewal or revision application, enter the total number of TGE or training-grant eligible (i.e., U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or permanent residents) predoctorates currently supported by this training grant. (If this is a resubmission application following a gap in funding, the number entered here may be zero.) In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of predoctorates for this column. If not a renewal or revision application, do not include this column.
Training Grant Special Topics Roundtable Preparing NIH Data Table 1: Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs August 9, 2018 Jamie Croy, HITS jlcroy@med.umich.edu
Using M-FACTIR Reports to Complete Table 1
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Access M-FACTIR > Click on ‘Reports’ https://www.umms.med.umich.edu/mfactir/home M-FACTIR Home Page Jamie to begin demo
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: select report Access the Department/Program Census Reports menu: 3 options M-FACTIR Reports menu Explain the difference between the three reports Dept/Prog census: provides the counts that can be used for Table 1 Detail reports list the people/detail behind the numbers in the census report
M-FACTIR Distinction between ’Department’ and ‘Program’ M-FACTIR Reports are organized according to University of Michigan definitions as follows: Department – Faculty – appointed in Academic Department (tenure home) Postdoctoral trainees – appointed in Academic Department of faculty mentor Program – Ph.D. granting program Predoctoral trainees – appointed in Academic Program that awards the Ph.D. degree Examples: Departmental Graduate Program, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Important: If not specified in M-Pathways, this distinction is not specified in Tableau list of Departments/Programs.
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: select report Select ‘Department/Program Census Report’ M-FACTIR Report in Tableau
To access data for Dept/Program Census to identify Faculty counts, Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Faculty counts, Postdoc counts To access data for Dept/Program Census to identify Faculty counts, Select a PAF that corresponds to your training grant. Select one of the Participating Departments (not Programs). Faculty counts will automatically populate. Counts for Postdoc trainees will also populate automatically in this report. Repeat for each Participating Department. M-FACTIR Report in Tableau Department/Program Census Report Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department… Faculty and Postdocs Microbiology & Immunology - Program… Predocs
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Faculty counts, Postdoc counts NIH sample table Data in NIH Table 1 Part II Tableau report Data in M-FACTIR Department Report Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department… Faculty and Postdocs Microbiology & Immunology - Program… Predocs Faculty data Postdoc data Department/Program Census
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Predoc Trainee counts M-FACTIR Report in Tableau To access data for Dept/Program Census to identify Predoctoral Trainee counts, Select a PAF that corresponds to your training grant. Select one of the Participating Programs (not Departments). Predoctoral Trainee counts will automatically populate. No faculty or postdoc counts are included. Repeat for each Participating Program. Department/Program Census Report Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department… Faculty and Postdocs Microbiology & Immunology - Program… Predocs
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Predoc Trainee counts NIH sample table Data in NIH Table 1 Tableau report Data in M-FACTIR Program Report Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department… Faculty and Postdocs Microbiology & Immunology - Program… Predocs Faculty data Predoc data Department/Program Census
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Validate Counts using the Department/Program Detail Reports M-FACTIR Reports menu
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Validate faculty counts M-FACTIR Report in Tableau To Validate Counts for faculty Open the Department/Program Faculty Detail Report: Select PAF Select Department Report lists faculty by name Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department… Faculty and Postdocs Microbiology & Immunology - Program… Predocs
Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1: Validate trainee counts M-FACTIR Report in Tableau To Validate Counts for trainees Run the Department/Program Trainee Detail Report: Select PAF Select Department/Program Report lists trainees by name Experimental Immunology Grant (17-PAF07110/T32A1007413) Microbiology and Immunology - Department Microbiology & Immunology - Program
Adding Department and Program Data into xTRACT
Adding Department And Program Data into xTRACT To Access xTRACT: https://public.era.nih.gov/commons/ Sign in with Commons ID Click on xTRACT tab Note xTRACT terminology: ‘RTD’ = Research Training Dataset
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT Search for Training Grant in xTRACT Select the Training Grants Tab Enter search criteria (eg PI Last Name) Click ‘Search Training Grants’ xTRACT 1 2 3
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT Search for Training Grant Locate the Training Grant of interest from search results Click on the appropriate button in the Action column (example: ‘Continue for Renewal’) xTRACT
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT On the Prepare Research Training Dataset (RTD) for Renewal page, select ”Participating Departments/Programs’ from the RTD menu xTRACT
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT Add Departments/Programs (p1) Click the ‘Add Participating Departments or Programs’ button xTRACT
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT Add Departments/Programs (p 2) 2. Start typing in the text box. The system will display a list of departments and programs in a drop-down menu. 3. Find and select the appropriate department/program in the drop-down list. 4. Select the ‘Save’ button. 5. Repeat to add additional departments/program xTRACT
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT To Update Census information (p 1) In Department list, click the ‘Edit’ button from the Actions column xTRACT
Adding Department and Program Information into xTRACT Update Census information (p 2) Add appropriate data for each of the Census items, as listed in M- FACTIR Reports. Click ‘Save’ and Close.
Adding Department and Program Data into xTRACT: Faculty and Postdocs M-FACTIR Department Report in Tableau 37 8 37 1 1 1
Adding Department and Program Data into xTRACT: Predoc Trainees M-FACTIR Program Report in Tableau 39 7 4 4
Tips For Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1
Tips For Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Important Notes when using the Department/Program Census Report Selecting desired Department or Academic Program Scroll through the list of Departments/Programs Type the Department/Program name in the search box above the department/program listing If a PAF is selected, only departments/programs associated with that PAF are available in the drop-down list Both Departments and Programs are in the list (some, not all, are labelled) Before entering a PAF/Award ID, show the drop A Department provides information for Faculty A Program provides information for Predoctorates A Department provides information for Postdoctorates
Tips For Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Important Notes when using the Department/Program Census Report Selecting desired PAF Scroll through the list of PAFS Enter a portion of the PAF number or Award ID in the search box above the PAF listing To find the PAF number or Award use M-FACTIR Faculty & Trainees page - OR Training Grants page M-FACTIR Home page Search using keywords from the training title on the Training Grants page Search using the PI or faculty’s name, UMID or uniqname on the Faculty & Trainees page EXAMPLES: Search Experimental Immunology on Training Grant Page Search Bethany Moore on the Faculty & Trainees Page
Tips For Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Important Notes when using the Department/Program Census Report Selecting desired PAF (continued) Find PAF/Award ID using the Training Grants Page Search using keywords from the training title on the Training Grants page Search using the PI or faculty’s name, UMID or uniqname on the Faculty & Trainees page EXAMPLES: Search Experimental Immunology on Training Grant Page Search Bethany Moore on the Faculty & Trainees Page starts 8/01 ends 7/31
Tips For Using M-FACTIR Reports to complete Table 1 Important Notes when using the Department/Program Census Report Selecting desired PAF (continued) Find PAF/Award ID using the Faculty & Trainees Page M-FACTIR Search using keywords from the training title on the Training Grants page Search using the PI or faculty’s name, UMID or uniqname on the Faculty & Trainees page EXAMPLES: Search Experimental Immunology on Training Grant Page Search Bethany Moore on the Faculty & Trainees Page
As needed
Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT The Action column presents the options to perform several tasks. These tasks are limited to the role associated to your account. You may see all or some of the following links: Prepare for RPPR Use this link to prepare the RTD for the progress report. The link appears when the training grant is awarded, the next support year is pending, and RTD preparation for the RPPR has not been initiated. Continue for RPPR Use this link to continue an RTD already in progress. The link appears when the RTD for the progress report has been initialized but is not final. Prepare for Revision Use this link to prepare the RTD for a revision. The link appears when the training grant is awarded and an RTD preparation for a revision has not been initiated. Continue for Revision Use this link to continue an RTD already in progress. The link appears when the RTD for a revision has been initialized but is not final. Prepare for Renewal Use this link to prepare the RTD for a renewal. The link appears when the training grant is awarded, has entered or will soon be entering its final noncompeting year, and an RTD preparation for a renewal has not been initiated. Continue for Renewal Use this link to continue an RTD already in progress. The link appears when the RTD for a renewal has been initiated but is not final. View Tables Use this link to view the training tables for an RPPR, Revision, or Renewal. The link is available once the RTD has been marked as final. Unfinalize This link is available to users having the permission to unfinalize an RTD for an RPPR, Revision, or Renewal that has been marked as Final.
Tips for using M-FACTIR for Table 1 Where is the info in M-FACTIR? – note: only a portion of the total data are visible on M-FACTIR input pages Training grant tab – lists PI (historical) and Participating faculty Faculty and Trainees tab – lists individual faculty member: Mentoring history Training Grant participation Where is the info in Reports? Tableau Report: Department/Program Census Important: Distinguish Department and Program – if not specified in M-Pathways, this is not specified in Tableau list. Faculty info is listed in “Department” (not Program) Predoc Trainee info is listed in “Program” (not Department) Postdoc info is listed in “Department” (not Program)
Table 1. Census. Part II. Postdoctorates For each participating department, division or interdepartmental program enter the following counts for the current academic year: Participating Department or Program. List the name of Department, Division or Program. Total Faculty. Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of faculty members who will participate in the proposed training program. In the Total row, count each faculty member only once and enter, in bold font, the total number of unique participating faculty members across the participating departments and interdepartmental programs. Total Postdoctorates. Provide the total number of postdoctorates. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of postdoctorates for this column. Total Postdoctorates Supported by any HHS Training Award. Provide the total number of postdoctorates who are currently supported by any HHS training award (e.g., T32, T90/R90, F32, AHRQ T32, CDC T03). In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of postdoctorates for this column. Total Postdoctorates with Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of postdoctorates with those faculty who are participating in the proposed training program. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of postdoctorates for this column. Eligible Postdoctorates with Participating Faculty. Provide the total number of postdoctorates who are with participating faculty and who are eligible for support under the proposed award. In most cases (e.g. a T32 application), this number will reflect individuals who are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or permanent residents. In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of postdoctorates for this column. Training Grant Eligible (TGE) Postdoctorates Supported by this Training Grant (Renewals/ Revisions). If this is a renewal or revision application, enter the total number of TGE postdoctorates currently supported by this training grant. (If this is a resubmission application following a gap in funding, the number entered here may be zero.) In the Total row, sum across departments and interdepartmental programs and enter, in bold font, the total number of postdoctorates for this column. If not a renewal or revision application, do not include this column.
Trainee Publications: What is PMCID? What is a PubMed Central ID (PMCID) number and where do you find it? PMCID is NOT the same as the PubMed ID (PMID) If there is a PMCID, it will be found at the bottom of each citation in PubMed if you look at the publications in “Abstract” format. In PubMed, the format is usually “Summary” by default, but there is a little pulldown arrow you can use to switch to “Abstract”. Most journals automatically submit their papers for a PMCID, and the list of these journals can be found at http://publicaccess.nih.gov/submit_process_journals.htm. For these journals, if the publication is too new for a PMCID to have been created, you can write ‘PMC Journal - In Process’. If a journal does not create PubMed Central ID’s, then just don’t put anything. PubMed Abstract RK